They have changed the packaging on the WILD TURKEY American Honey Liqueur and upgraded it quite a bit so that it looks so much classier and expensive. I like it a lot, both the package and the taste as well. It's so easy to enjoy all by itself with or without a meal and this time I had it served to me by Lesley on the rocks. You can see it pictured here in a few of the many pictures that I have taken and managed so far to download here.
Mark is pictured next to Lesley here and he is one of our favorite chefs and runs and owns Byblo's Deli / Cafe across the street. Nelson also decided to get into the picture last minute and did not realize perhaps that I would in fact use the picture I had taken.
Being an artist I like to take lots of artsy photos and these came out quite well using my Canon Power-Shot digital camera as well as sometimes the flash and sometimes not. I like these last two photos and will include a few more of them using my post instead.
The WILD TURKEY American Honey Liqueur has a lovely lightness/brightness and clarity through and through in the taste, from start to finish. It is never cloying and it has some interesting " other " flavors that may be spearmint or mint of some kind? I am not sure exactly but I found it made the taste even more engaging and intriguing. What are those extra tastes? You have to sip it again and again to try and get to the bottom of this mystery. That's okay, that's the idea I am sure.
I showed these pictures to Lesley before she left to be sure that she was okay with them because the wine glass here tends to bend and elongate and somewhat distort the images seen through them. I like the effects but I do like to show them before using them.
We sold a number of bottles in this three hour period at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 Tel:202-363-4265 , on Facebook at : clevelandparkwines&spirits ) as I would direct people over to Lesley after they tasted Ronnie Miller's selection of French wines from the Robert Kacher portfolio which includes some DOMAINE SAINT EUGENIE " Reserve " red Corbieres ( Herve Ganthier is an old friend that visits each year he comes to Washington D.C. ) and the DOMAINE TARIQUET vegan-friendly dry whites of the Gascogny region where Armagnac is produced, where Jean Louis our famous Watergate Hotel chef is from, where D'Artagnan the fifth Musketeer came from and more I am sure ). It was a great tasting all around on this Friday evening, November 12th, 2010 here in the Cleveland Park neighborhood in Washington D.C. our nation's capitol.
Jimmy Russel that's been at American WILD TURKEY now making their fine products was in the store perhaps two years ago ( you can use this search engine on my blog to get to that blog and see those pictures and read about that impromptu tasting of six or so of them ) and we had a great time as customers and other sales reps in the business stopped by and I introduced them to him. They were charmed and delighted to taste and meet and spend some time with Jimmy.
Thanks Lesley and come back and taste with us and our customers again. I believe that this may have been the second time that we have tasted the American WILD TURKEY Honey Liqueur with our customers. Cheers and enjoy this beautiful weather and Autumn weekend. It's clear and bright, baby blue-skied and sunny and with all the range of colors of leaves from the brightest yellows, reds and oranges to the deepest browns and greens of tree trunks, evergreens, firs, ... you name it : everything is a lovely riot of shades and grades and shapes and forms of wondrous colors about now - and constantly changing, rearranging on this Sunday, November 14th, 2010 here at home in northern Virginia at 9:37 AM
Cheers, TONY
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