This was another really connect moment for me between the owner of CARLTON HILL, Olivia Bombart of Noila Selections and me. We tasted two vintages of the same Oregon Willamette Valley Pinot Noir : the 2006 and the 2007 and I preferred the 2006 I believe while the other two preferred the 2007 : was that it?
It's been awhile since I tasted these : too long in fact.
I really enjoy all these chance meetings of mine and I often have quite definite and lasting impressions of the wines that I try. In this case of these two Pinot Noirs as I have already stated I clearly liked the 2006 over the 2007 CARLTON HILL because I believe that for at least my palate and taste that it showed better. By this I mean I think that the 2006 displayed more of all of its flavors and more clearly and in better focus like a good Kodak moment.
When I find a wine less resolved and ready to drink it I am patient and may buy some of it as well : however, I am quick to point out to my customers that I do not think that it is as ready to drink yet. I will say that for the patient people it will later reveal more of its flavors and a better focus on the components and their harmony to one another as they blossom into one lovely, exciting, complete whole that displays all the highs and the lows and the middle ranges, too with those marvelous accents of our pursed lips into those dumb-luck-struck expressions of " Ooohhhhhs " that often come with a smile sometimes very bright following afterward!
My feeling is that we deserve to get all of the wine that we can with all the flavors being displayed and evolved and more available for our tongues to catch as they are more evident as they are readier to drink than not.
I often fell that many of us are cheated in a way by getting to enjoy and appreciate only a small part of each wine when we drink it with our meals and loved ones. First of all we are in a rush to relax and we do not often have the energy or patience to really enjoy the wine and second the wine is often not really ready yet to be enjoyed as so many of its flavors are buried deep inside themselves and with no amount of tugging or pulling or stretching/ breathing from us will they be able yet to reveal-unveil themselves. This bothers me enormously and I feel that it is my duty whether it be a popular one or not to at least make people aware that they are not going to get all that they paid for by drinking the wine today and not waiting longer depending on each and every wine that they own or will soon purchase.
I especially think all of this and am extra-concerned when the wines cost so much these days. These two wines are worth the money being asked for them but they are not inexpensive and what I would call everyday or casual wines. I would have to think twice before opening and enjoying them if I purchased them : even if they were given to me as gifts.
I will talk to you Olivia and you Oscar now that it is 2011 and see what you have available to buy of these two vintages of the CARLTON HILL Pinot Noirs from Oregon's Willamette Valley? It's time that we see what you have for us at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 Tel:202-363-4265 , also on Facebook and Twitter now at : clevelandparkwine&spirits ).
Being an artist I like to bring my artist's eyes and sense to my photos and how I frame them and capture certain images : also how I bring the ones together that I think tell the more complete story.
It's sort of like I take the approach that I am staging a play or writing a story and I want to unite and show the various players and elements to make a more complete statement that each and every one of you has to finish on your own terms. I like this challenge and it makes me step-back and reevaluate and reconsider and think a bit longer on all that is happening and all those that are a part of each and every one of these moments that are ours and that are valuable to us.
I loved quickly capturing Olivia for example in the picture above as she took this call on her cell phone and stepped to the side of us and a bit farther away. I don't mint that it is blurred either.
I took pictures of Olivia tasting these wines and have already posted that blog on my if you would like to see them. They were more about the art of wine enjoyment and so I separated them from these even though I took them all at the same time.
This was fun, this was organic and things just rolled off our tongues as we spoke freely and showed emotions freely, too. It was all in good camaraderie and good humor and fun. I really enjoyed this brief period of time and look forward to getting together once again to try more of the wines of CARLTON HILL
I can't imagine for the life of me now what I said to taunt and to challenge you so to make this expression but I love it and am thrilled to leave off here with it. Wine is fun and so enjoyable and I am wondering now here at my home on Tuesday morning before the big snows come later on January 11th, 2011 at 8:53AM what your 2007 CARLTON HILL Pinot Noir is tasting like now? Hear that Olivia and Oscar ? It's time to bring it around again for Part Two, Cheers and Happy New Year.
Once again, sorry for the long delay in actually getting this way-overdue blog posted. TONY
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