This was another really fun, serendipitous wine-tasting of the one dry white Gruner Veltliner indigenous and now extremely famous Austrian grape varietal from Toni Silver's line of GROONER wines that also includes a red Zweigelt. Anything else in the line Toni? I don't remember you saying that there were any other wines besides these two. By the way, where was the Zweigelt red for Chris and me to taste, for Michael our customer pictured above with you to taste, too?!?
That's okay, that can wait until the next time when you return with some of your other wines to impress and to temp me from FRITSCH, GV, NEUMEISTER, HARDEGG, NITTNAUS ( I have sold these wines before ), FORSTREITER and STROHMEIER. You have the GROONER now with Nancy at the Frederick Wildman portfolio selections which I mentioned that I had not seen in years on the Washington D.C. wine market. I felt excluded from this vast array of portfolio wine selections for years now and so I am thrilled to have Nancy calling on us now. Thanks Nancy for bringing us Toni that bears my same name only spelled with an " i " and not a ' y". Funny, the Austrian men spell their name Tony with an " i " just like Toni Silver.
I know that because I know Toni Bauer and enjoy selling his wines. He's really a great guy and years ago he came to the store with Austrian importer Klaus Wittauer and got the ball rolling for me selling his as well as other Austrian wines once again at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 Tel:202-363-4265, on Facebook @ clevelandparkwines&spirits ). Thanks Klaus, thanks Toni Bauer : we have had a wonderful relationship ever since and we always sell Austrian wines to our Cleveland Park N.W. Washington D.C. neighborhood.
As a matter of fact we were singled out and mentioned prominently years ago by Dave McIntyre three or so years ago in his article on the red wines of Austria : he had been to Calvert Woodley and been disappointed and came down the street to us and was very pleased. We aimes to please ...
I was busy with customers when both Toni and Nancy arrived and so Chris tasted first with them. I joined them later and when I saw the bottle of the GROONER I immediately said that we had already sold the wine and sold it quite well, too. That got us going back-and-forth for awhile as to from whom I bought the wine and Toni said that it was from William's Corner Selections and I asked her if she knew Nicolas? She did, and I agreed with her : it was the young lady working for them at the time that I have also blogged about here that introduced us to it and also tasted it with customers. You can use the search engine here Toni and see that in fact all this is true as I am sure that I have a photo or two of the bottle pictured here earlier on at I'm going to check this out myself right here-and-now before continuing any further. Talk amongst yourselves ...
I found it ! The blog post was made on January 9th, 2010 here on chatwine. Go back to the January 2010 blogs here and you will see the blog that includes the CROONER and many pictures of it as well as some text and a very happy customer holding a bottle ready to be purchased. I'm glad to see it here : and so it was not so very long ago that we had it in the store Toni.
The vintage that we tasted two days ago with you Toni of the GROONER showed beautifully, too. I will write more about it and include more information really soon with more photos, too. Some of the photos will end up on as they are quite artsy.
So stay-tuned for much more as I have just started and I really did enjoy meeting both you Toni and you Nancy. You make quite the team and I have a sinking feeling that this is just the very tip of the iceberg so to speak of a beautiful relationship between the three of us.
Your wines will be back at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits the first week of December. Tell everyone for us. Cheers and enjoy this beautiful fall day of Sunday, November 14th, 2010 ( now it's 10:42 AM here at home in northern Virginia ) with a riot of all the fall colors in all their glory with a stunning backdrop of clear and bright and sunny baby blue skies and all it held together and grounded by the dark browns of tree trunks and the darker silhouettes of green firs and evergreens.
Say, which came first : the skies or the ground and earth : and don't the trees and the bushes bring and unite and hold the two together, forever in a mirror and indispensable relationship with the other?!? TONY
Toni, we look pretty good the two of us in this picture above, wouldn't you say?!
P.S. Toni, it's Sunday, December 5th, 2010 here in northern Virginia at home at 11:54AM on a sunny, blue-skied yet 37 degrees brrrr yet not breezy morn ( I've really enjoyed walking my dog earlier and being bathed in a faint yet distinct sunlight ) and we now have your Gruner in the store to sell!
I told Nancy our rep for the Frederick Wildman portfolio yesterday ( she came on Saturday to pour POL ROGER N.V. brut and the POL ROGER 2002 rose ( both spectacular with an edge given to the all-magnificent delight of the 2002 rose that was like Mc/MissDreamy VeVoooooonnnnnnn - get my drift - magic silk,velvet-deep-plush salmon-peach-apricot-creamed-more'ndreamed massage of one's receptive and yet totally unprepared-unsuspecting tongue pal's palate : how can anything be so marvelous meltdown-breakdown, deconstruction-reconstruction ... wow, : it was worth the $130 a bottle that we are asking and we indeed did sell some yesterday.
Anyway, I have digressed here Toni when I simply meant to tell you that we now how your lovely GROONER Gruner Veltliner to sell once again to our customers and bottles have already been sold! Cheers and see you soon. Happy December holidays to you all, TONY
The pix! The poetry! Wow i'm speechless. i wish i read french, but regardless, i'm flattered&amused&amazed. I never looked nor sounded so good...except when i look like i have overstuffed luggage under my eyes.
i'll have to try a response in kind, once i get out from underneath my year end financials--hi ho, the glamorous life. Thx!
Glad you liked it Gruner Girl, this ToeKnee was inspired by both you and your visit : you caught me off-guard and I loved it and it all got me to thinking with my various senses and this is what resulted. I am sure there will be more : I certainly have more photos and I will be stocking your wines @ Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits starting this December and I am sure that Nancy will pour some of them ASAP... cheers and thanks for your response and Happy New Year 2010 to you in New York and to one and to all. TONY
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