This was another great tasting at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 Tel:202-363-4265 on Facebook at : clevelandparkwines&spirits ) this past Saturday, November 13th, 2010 from 5-7 PM of both the REDEMPTION Straight Bourbon Whiskey and the REDEMPTION Straight Rye Whiskey. Both are new to the store and so this was especially exciting as we got both in this past week. It's good to be proactive at selling things and this was a great example of it here in our store in N.W. Cleveland Park Washington D.C.
I snapped and tasted these pictures as the tasting was winding up and I am sorry for that as I saw many people trying them earlier. I was simply too busy helping customers and filling orders to have done a thorough pictorial here. Oh well, there will probably be another time for that.
I enjoyed them both but especially the smoother, more velvety with less bite and astringency REDEMPTION ( 46% alcohol by volume, #008/954 .... distilled from a mash of 95% premium rye and carefully aged for over two years in new charred oak barrels ) straight rye whiskey. The straight bourbon whiskey of REDEMPTION #002/371 ( distilled from a mash of 38.2 % ... 46% alcohol by volume ... ) simply was to sharp and edgy for me at that particular point in time last Saturday. Who knows, under different circumstances I would have probably really liked it.
I think they will both do really well at Cleveland Park. I will write more once I get to the store. I am now at home here in northern Virginia on Monday, November 15th, 2010 at 8:54 AM and I have to get ready for work.
It's a beautiful fall day here, a bit cool and breezy with a full rainbow display of Nature's leaf foliage colors that boggle the imagination and make one want to go into a state of " pause " to appropriately appreciate all the beauty around as it is simply too much to take in without stopping and absorbing and being ever so patient not to miss anymore than one must ... Cheers, TONY
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