We bought four types of Beaujolais Nouveau this year at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 Tel:202-363-4265 sales@clevelandparkwine.com www.clevelandparkwine.com , on Facebook at: clevelandparkwine&spirits , too ) and they are all selling quite well, even the Georges Du Boeuf nouveau and that makes me happy as it is always the last one to go in our shop, even with the colorful and party-like labels.
We also purchased the MANOIR DU CARRA Beaujolais Nouveau ( $9.99 ) and the MANOIR DU CARRA Beaujolais Villages Nouveau ( $10.99 ) 2010 nouveau wines ( our favorites pretty much each and every year now for the last ten or more years ) : as well as the BOUCHARD AINE PERE ET FILS ( $10.99 ) - and the GEORGE DU BOEUF. They were all beaujolais nouveau except for the MANOIR DU CARRA that had a beaujolais-villages nouveau as well.
I kept these pictures upside down for effect and to seemingly defy gravity : a fun concept with wine. You can really see the color even with my flash in these wines. I use the INAO glasses at home to enjoy and evaluate my wines here in northern Virginia.
I brought this bottle of the MANOIR DU CARRA Beaujolais Villages 2010 ( $10.99 - we still have a few bottles left at Cleveland Park on November 31st, 2010, Wednesday at 8:25AM as I write this blog entry ) on the third Thursday of November, 2010 : the official release date for beaujolais nouveau and the day that stores and restaurants are allowed to sell it it vintage.
These are pictures of the MANOIR DU CARRA beaujolais-Villages nouveau on our dining room table on that Thursday evening as my wife and I enjoyed our meal and the MANOIR DU CARRA , too. It was delicious and very smooth, bright and polished. Medium-to-quite-light-bodied, aromatic and refreshing, smelling of toasty-roasted berries/grapes and simply so easy and pleasing to sip on. What was there not to like I asked myself? Charming.
The owner Frederique comes to see us when he is in town for the nouveau release. We have not seen him now for three years or more as he has more cities to visit. In the beginning he was in Washington D.C. a lot of the time and so we saw more of him. Now his reach around the country has grown and so we see less of him. That's too bad as he is quite a nice young gentleman with a very nice smile and demeanor. We always laugh and speak French together.
I like what he does as he only makes beaujolais and uses only the Gamay grape. We sell year-round his other two wines " the " unflitered " Beuajolais ( $10.99 ) and his Julienas cru beaujolais ( $21.99 ) : both are still currently available in the store.
Look at that beautiful color of the MANOIR DU CARRA Beaujolia-Villages nouveau ( $10.99 ) in the picture above : it's beautiful, really. Love it.
The other beaujolais wines are fine, too. They are all slightly different. The MANOIR DU CARRA beaujolais nouveau 2010 ( $9.99 ) is a bit heartier and robust and less polished with a bit more bite and acidity. It needs to be enjoyed with a meal in my opinion .
All these four beaujolais nouveau wines need to be served slightly chilled : 15-30 minutes in the refrigerator or left outside where it is cooler for the same period of time.
The BOUCHARD AINE PERE ET FILS beaujolais nouveau 2010 ( $10.99 ) was the most fruity and forward and easy to enjoy with or without food. It was so easy to drink with all it's cherry-strawberry flavors : and the least challenging - so perhaps the greatest crowd-pleaser.
The GEORGES DU BOEUF beaujolais nouveau ( $9.99 ) was better the second day. It had a slight bite and edge and rawness the first time we opened it for our customers to try. The second day ( Saturday morning ) I still had some so I used it for my wine-class to give people a chance to try some of the nouveau and I must say that it opened quite nicely and lost the bite and filled-out/rounded out more so that it was both tasty and richer on the palate with the red fruit-grape brightness expanding on the palate really nicely. You never do know : always best to maintain an open mind and opinion about these things. Wine's a living thing and constantly changing.
Happy Beaujolais Nouveau to one and to all this 2010. We still have some in the store. Come and get some and enjoy this December 2010 with family, friends and meals. It works with so many foods that we all enjoy at this time of the year.
Frederique : reviens nous voir au magasin avant de repartir/retourner a France. Comment tu va? Bien j'espere. Nous sommes toujour contents d'avoir et de vedre tes vins ici a Cleveland Park Wines Et Spirits au centre de ville de Washington D.C. U.S.A. notre capital. Bonne Annee 2011 a toi et a ta famille. A bientot j'espere, TONY