I should have posted this blog by now. I'm overwhelmed with blogs in the draft form here and waiting some text. This is not a good thing as we in this case here have ordered these fine French wines from the CHATEAU D'ANGLES and sold them well as well as tasted them with our customers at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 Tel : 202-363-4265 sales@clevelandparkwine.com www.clevelandparkwine.com on Facebook at : clevelandparkwines&spirits ) in the Cleveland Park neighborhood of northwest Washington D.C. our nation's capitol.
It's already Sunday evening here at home in northern Virginia at 5:31 PM on November 7th, 2010 and I was just featured on CNN oat 3 PM earlier on the show called " Your Money " on the topic of : " How does a small business compete and stay in business in hard, economic times? "
Well I/ we do it by finding excellent wines like these of France's CHATEAU D'ANGLES and bringing them to the store and selling and tasting them with our customers : either ourselves or with the help of our local wholesaler reps or the owners, wine-makers or the sales managers of the vineyards themselves. Everyone helps, everyone chips in and does their part and holds their own weight. That's how we stay in business us small businesses : we harness the help and the energies and the support of others like us that are all part of the chain that makes it possible to be fruitful, helpful and successful/ It's all tied together and I like to take this approach instead of the other approach which is to sell the points, the scores, the reviews and the hype that is abundantly available out there.
I want to sell the wines themselves and the people and the personalities behind them. That's what is real and what counts for me. It's hard work, it's the old-fashioned way of doing business. It's putting ourselves, our names, our reputations on the line each and every moment and everyday : falling and building on that - sink or swim, taking the responsibility ourselves and not on relying on the words and hype and the points of others. It's risky, it's scary, so be it.
I liked these wines : they are food wines to be enjoyed with meals. Come to the store and check them out. We still have some of the dry red and the dry white though we have sold through on the dry rose. We will get more of that later.
I hope that you all like my more artsy photos here. I am an artist and want to get you all inspired in a more visual/colorful way. I will include more notes soon on the pricing and the grape blends of these wines. Being home I cannot do it now.
I enjoyed this meeting/tasting/moment : we had fun, we had lots of fun - we connected. That means a whole lot to me.
The segment that we were on earlier today on CNN's show : " Your Money " was on our wine-classes that we offer and which I conduct myself. I could very easily have included one of these CHATEAU D'ANGLES French dry wines and may still as I conduct them on Saturday's from 11:30-AM-1PM in the back of the store : 6 wines and $10 a person, Call : 202-363-4265 or email at : anthonyquinn@clevelandparkwine.com to sign up for the. Read more about them on my recent blog of today : Sunday, November 7th, 2010.
Cheers and stay-tuned for more later here, TONY
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