This was another fun summer weekend Saturday , June 24th, 2010 in-store/ wine-tasting with our rep Danielle Davidowitz from Dionysos Imports at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 , Tel:202-363-4265,, facebook : clevelandparkwine ) of the GATAO Portuguese dry and slightly spritzy Vinho Verde ( $9.99, with only 9% alcohol by volume ) , the dry Argentina ALTA VISTA Malbec flavorful rose, and a Greek red blend of both Cabernet Sauvignon and Saint George grapes that is easy-drinking and perfect for the heat and the humidity of the time. It was another very successful tasting and all three dry wines sold really well. Thanks Danielle for your time and enthusiasm. We appreciate your efforts for us here in Cleveland Park N.W. Washington D.C. It's a great opportunity for our customers to come and taste and learn about these wines that represent real value and are well-suited for this warm weather.
I really had fun taking these digital pictures of you Danielle pouring these excellent three dry wines from around the world. I especially liked taking pictures of the GATAO label with the cab which is so popular here in our neighborhood of Cleveland Park. People know this wine by the label of course and many find it to be their favorite vinho verde. I like it because it is not heavy at all, quite smooth and bright and a bit creamy on the tongue : and with the low alcohol and a bit of spritz I find it to be perhaps one of the single greatest wines to enjoy outside in the oppressive heat and humidity when you want to drink something and still feel alright afterward. That's a tall order as the heat and the humidity can be crippling, really they both can when teamed together as they often are.
I liked getting these more artsy pictures of my Reidel Austrian wine-tasting glass and the GATAO cat label. I also really liked trying to capture the bit of spritz and sparkle of this Portuguese dry, low-alcohol 9% wine.
I also like photographing you Danielle. You play along with it and together we tell a fun and amusing and playful story together which I think is quite intoxicating in it's own way. Thanks for being such a good sport and not taking any of it too seriously. Wine should be enjoyed as it is here as an accompaniment to many other things, all equally important to the success of the moment or meal/gathering.
I love the aquamarine/transparent hue of the GATAO wine bottle : it, too is intoxicating again in a very visual sense - appealing to the eyes.
Look at those bubbles in my Reidel wine glass above that I am holding with one hand while I snap the picture with my Canon Power Shot digital camera with the other. I like the whole effect : draws me into the scene and into the glass. Danielle , your smile , too is lovely.
Your white blouse is a perfect background for my glass with GATAO vinho verde inside it and the bottle of GATAO that you are holding. All the elements work really well to draw you into this space. You're almost laughing here your smile is so broad and bright. You were born to be photographed. Do you know this?
Being an artist I am taken by many things on a very visual level. I like working with my camera and pointing it and snapping picture after picture as I move it around. I often am not able to look through the lens as I snap away. I want to get as many " candids " as I can and so I turn off the flash and I snap away and believe and hope for the best knowing that I will get some pictures that will delight and charm and please and tease and make me wonder and ponder and say " wow " all in one. It's good not to know the outcome before I snap the picture. It's good to have the picture to better take note of things that you did not notice at the time as there are always so many things to be appreciative of and take notice of. Many things are deserving of this notice and it rarely ever comes as things happen so quickly and most people never take pictures to capture any of it. Too bad, what a shame as a picture does tell so many stories and help to preserve partials of so many wonderful moments in time.
I like in this picture above among other things being the artist that I am how your white blouse drapes your body like that of a youthful, beautiful Mediterranean goddess Danielle. I'm not scared to say it, I can really see the correlation between the " here-and-the-now-and-the-past " in you Danielle.
Our customer above evaluates carefully the merits of the dry red Cabernet Sauvignon/ Saint George Greek red above ( $13.49 ) probably trying to figure out if it is right for her this June weekend?
Ahhh, once again those beautiful bubbles that look like the rings around the planets or smoke rings and so many more images, too. They make what looks to be almost like a pair of lips here.
Gotta love the image of the cat. Do you like it's red collar here? I do. Siamese or ? ...
Nothing like the anticipation of witnessing the wine being poured that will soon touch one's lips? I like this moment before the moment that will really tell the story as far as one is concerned: will they like the wine? Will it be right for them at this moment in time? Will both marry well together and will the conversation that flows between the people gathered there and their chemistry all mesh well together? Will sparks fly or will conversation, mood and feeling/ desire-fire-excitement-contentment rise and take on life or expire and fizzle and die a kathud flat and ignoble, agonizing and hard-heavy death?!? So many questions here : why am I getting so philosophical? Why am I asking so many questions? Why don't I simply relax and just enjoy and observe and let things be and happen all by themselves? I should try it/this - really I should.
Look at the color and the deepness of the ALTA VISTA dry Argentinian rose above. I love it. The wine sure was appealing , it really was. It was both nice on it's own and flavorful enough to complement many foods. I started selling the wines years ago back around 2002 when Jay Youmans first showed it to me way back when. Seems like another lifetime ago even though it was less than ten years when we sold the whole range of these excellent ALTA VISTA dry reds, whites and dry rose wines. Thanks Jay, you began a beautiful relationship and Danielle you have picked up where Jay left off...
Finally, a choice has been made : of the three the dry ALTA VISTA Malbec rose ( $13.49 ) was the way to go on this Saturday in late June, 2010 for our good customer and friend above. She's got one of our cloth tote-bags for bottle above : two bottles I believe with the store logo and all on it?
Can't think of a more appealing and strong image with which to leave you all. Come back again, come see us for the first time. Don't stay away too long, you don't want to miss anything : you don't know what you might be missing if you do. Anyway, you are always welcome at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits. We are here for you. Cheers, and thanks Danielle, this was fun and we sold together lots of wine. TONY
P.S. I am sorry to be posting this now on Friday morning at 12:26 AM here from home on September 24th, 2010. It's been way too long since I downloaded these pictures and just in the nick-of-time to tell the story of these three excellent wines as tomorrow it is supposed to be in the mid nineties and one of the hottest days of the year... we still have some of the Greek red and the Greek white I believe and can order the other two as well. Oh, I think Danielle you will also be in the store tasting more Portuguese wines tomorrow so in some ways this is the full circle and perfect-timing. See you later today Danielle ... let's sell lots of wine together again later on ... small, wonderful world. We'll also take some more pictures.
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