Saturday, January 18, 2020

Help from both The Vienna Business Association and The Tyson’s Reporter News Catherine Douglas Moran to draw attention to : Tasting some of the fine wines of Australia to draw attention to the devastating fires happening there all over the country and what we here can do to help - in this case through wine sales to give back to those wineries in need, in McLaren Vale, South Australia. It makes me think of all my friends there - Hugh Hamilton, Rob Gibson, Nick Stacey, Gavin Berry, and so many more, good luck to you all - you make superb wines, really you do!

This was a great event recently that I worked on first with Peggy James of The Vienna Business Association to get onto their site and posting for local members. Then the following morning after that was accomplished we received a call from Catherine Douglas Moran wanting to know more and I filled her in on our objectives.

It was a great event and started the ball rolling on more and continued conversations about this calamity all over Australia that effected everything there. Thankfully there has been some rain to help put out some of these disastrous fires that have destroyed much, killed so many animals, some people and quite literally destroyed much there.

just like in California these fires have serious repercussions and need all of our help and attention to do what we each can to help. In our small way - in mine - this was and still is the object and goal. Cheers, Anthony Quinn 1/18/2020

The Wine Outlet in the Town of Vienna wants people to know more about the fires in Australia.
The store plans to host a free wine tasting tomorrow (Friday, Jan. 10) to talk about the widespread fires in Australia.
People will be able to taste Australian red wines, Anthony Quinn, the event organizer and store manager, told Tysons Reporter.
“It’s a small contribution we’re making,” Quinn said about the event, adding that he hopes people will consider donating to help combat the fires.
The event is set to take place at 4 p.m. The store is located at 114 Church Street NW.
“I’m excited about this,” Quinn told Tysons Reporter. “This is going to be fun.”
He said he hopes to hold more events in the future to raise awareness about the fire.
“It’s about being tied in with the community and being aware of things,” Quinn said.

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