Regis also had a French southern Rhone dry red for Chris Barker and me to taste from the area called Visan. I will have to include that name here as well as the others.
This was a great tasting that we had the other day with Regis and we tasted as usual a whole series of his excellent wines that we get from the Roanoke Imports company in Virginia delivered to us pretty much now each month. It's always thrilling to see what Regis will have for us in his weekly tastings. We can always be sure that the quality is quite high even though we may not like personally the wines or need them at the particular time that we taste them. We ask Regis to keep a running list for us of the wines that we like and then we buy them as we need them and as we have the money. It's a pretty good system overall.
Some of the wines we tasted on this particular day here in Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 Tel:202-363-4265 sales@clevelandparkwine,com and Facebook at : clevelandparkwines&spirits ) were : 1) R,H. COUTIER Non-vintage French champagne fro Ambonnay ( it's in the store now as I type ) ; the 2) GROCHAU CELLARS ( GC ) " Cummuter Cuvee " Oregon Willamette Valley 2009 Pinot Noir and the 3) GROCHAU CELLARS ( GC ) 2008 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir ; and the 4) BELLE PENTE Oregon Willamette Valley Pinot Noir.
The French dry red Rhone from Visan is a 2008 and I see that there is another BELLE PENTE Oregon wine on the table with another label that I cannot make out from my pictures here. I will finish adding my notes here as soon as I am back at work tomorrow but in the meantime as I am home now here in northern Virginia on Monday evening at 6:18 PM on November 16th, 2010 I will post this so that in the meantime you may all enjoy the pictures and become curious about the rest of this blog entry. Cheers and stay-tuned for an update here really soon. TONY
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