Way back when in the late eighties of the early nineties TAURINO Salice Salentino basically helped to put all of Puglia and southern Italy onto our radar screens here in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. It was simply that amazing dry red and flavorful, more earthy and rustic and great with food- wine red that was also a real bargain.
It's still a bargain and I was thrilled when Marcie Weinstein our rep for Constantine Wines brought it by to taste with Chris Barker and me. We bought some immediately and I am very pleased to have it back on our shelves.
If you have not discovered it yet ( or if it's an old friend like it is in my case ) you need to come by Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 Tel:202-363-4265 sales@clevelandparkwine.com www.clevelandparkwine.com and on Facebook at : clevelandparkwine&spriits ) and pick up a bottle or two. Rekindle this old flame : it's still all there and more. Cheers and thanks Marcie for bringing it to our attention.
I'm getting low and will have to order more from you really soon Marcie, especially after the word gets out that we have it back in stock.
Being an artist I like to take these more artsy photos in the hopes that I can stimulate you all visually with them into coming down to see us in Cleveland Park in our nation's capitol or to your local wine store.
Works for me ...
I know, I know Marcie, I take lots of pictures ...
Love the deep , rich, almost toasted-slightly burnt quality of this sizzlin' flamenco guitar, tango-dancing Puglia red above from TAURINO ...
You photograph well Marcie, really you do.
Someone quick! Pour me some TAURINO Salice Salentino fast! It looks so good in the picture above. TONY
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