Thursday, June 12, 2008

Johnnie Walker Blue Tasting Last Night, Wed. June 11th,2008

     Last night we had a grand Johnnie Walker BLUE tasting here in our store. It was a marvelous opportunity to try Johnnie Walker Blue and to see what all the hype is about. We had Master Of Whisky Taster John ( LJ ) Heffernan come and explain how to taste it ( never on ice, put an ice cube in your mouth first to get your mouth colder so that when the Blue hits your mouth it releases more of the aromas and distinct flavors ). He even put some on his hand and rubbed both together rapidly to show how the flavors get released. It was quite the show. The pours were generous and I lingered over mine for thirty minutes or more savoring every last itsy bitsy bit - really impressive : no burn ever and very subtle yet distinct nuances of flavors that came out over this period of time. I actually enjoyed it thoroughly.
     We ran a super-special on it for the tasting and had Scott Cholewcznski here to engrave the bottles as they sold. That was quite the spectacle to observe as well - modern innovation and ingenuity at it's finest: a computer in communication with a machine that moved it's etching arm seemlessly over the front part of the Johnnie Walker Blue bottle being engraved. The key according to engraver Scott was to always keep the table/bottle flat and still. He had 100% success rate at the engraving. People gathered around him and watched for the five minutes or so that every bottle took to engrave. He would then wipe the remaining cream off the bottle and then rub the gold into the cut areas - kool.
     We had a great assist also with the help of Andrew Anuszewski, assistant to Scott who remained for the three-hour tasting. Thanks you all for your help; yours, too Jackie that set the tasting up with Ravi and me. Team-work, that's what it is all about. It was great to host this event here at Cleveland Park Wines And Spirits: fun to have the big display and the etching/engraving table to rouse the curiosity of everyone that passed by last night. Cheers,   TONY

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Julian said...
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