Monday, June 23, 2008

Some Black India Ink Drawings I Did In 2007 Inspired By Wine

I just included a lot of these black-and-white India ink drawings I did on my art blog page at : Here are three or four of them for you to see. If you care to see the others and more like that go to my art blog page. I will be downloading more there and just occasionally include some here on this blog space. Hope you like them . They are very free-handed, spontaneous, of-th-moment, serendipitous pieces and I just get caught-up in the moment and let it take me where it will. I always get dropped off someplace as inspiration and momentum flag at some point for me to catch my breath before the next wind or wave of inspiration picks me up where another one left me off. It's quite the road or path, exhilarating and hopefully will always some elements I already know and occasionally brand " new " ones that delight, mystify and rouse my curiosity. Cheers. It's Monday night, June 23rd, 2008. TONY

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