Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I Think It's About Time More Wine Retailers Are Included In Wine Articles & Wine & Food Events As Wine Retailers Help More People Than Anyone Else In My Opinion

In my blog I wrote in response to an article on Virginia wines I saw recently in the Weekend Magazine of the Washington Post newspaper. This is a selection from my blog at : Cheers, TONY

 My point is that I read so many stories and articles, look at so many publications and I see hardly any mention of any wine store retailers that, in fact help more people with their beer, cider, liquor, liqueur and wine selections and food-pairings than any other group. They should be included , as well as consulted much more often than they seem to be.

     Did Dana Milbank contact any wine retailers in writing this story? It would have been nice if she had, and to have mentioned that and them in her lovely article on the 20 wineries in Virginia making fine wines out of the more than 200 wineries now in Virginia. I see that she included a column : Tasting Notes on Top Virginia Wines " by Jennifer Knowles, wine director at the Inn at Little Washington, VA. Why was there not a similar list provided by a fine retailer like Mark Wessels, Wine Manager of MacArthur Beverages, or Doug Rosen of Arrow Wines & Spirits, brothers Rick and John Genderson Of Scheider's of Capital Hill, Cecile of the old Cecile's, Buddy Weitzman of Chevy Chase Wines & Spirits, me at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits, and many others?12/11/13....  

This comes from my 2-Part Blog that I posted @ recently. Check both out. Cheers, TONY  Happy Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

Dave McIntyre Aside from you and Doug Rosen, the retailers you mention probably couldn't even name a handful of local wineries, much less recommend them. (Millbank is male, btw)

My response to Dave McIntyre's recent response to my last posting here on my Facebook page of an article written by Dana. He make some good points. Cheers,   Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn  12/11/13 ....

Thanks for the head's up on Dana, Dave. I did not know. Sorry Dana, I apologize for assuming you were a female, my mistake. I will correct that. My point still stands though Dave, we should have been consulted and included in an article of this scope. It's a real omission in my humble opinion. I have not talked to Doug or any of the other retailers I mentioned. I know that there are many working in Virginia that might have been consulted besides Doug or Cecile, that could have added to this article in a positive and meaningful way. It's a real shame not to tap into the wealth of knowledge and experience that many wine retailers have here and across the country that are the backbone and the real fabric of the wine business and industry that we have known and still know today. What a wasted opportunity and within hand's reach in many instances. But I do appreciate your commenting here. Thanks for that. Cheers,  TONY 12/11/13

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