This was a moment in the making for more than twenty-five years I believe!? Alessandro Furlan, Andrea Fossi and I have known each other since around 1983 I believe? Wow, how the time has passed so quickly and with so many glorious moments and events : some of which we have shared together.
It all goes back to when I began to work at the Mayflower Wines & Spirits which was around 1983 I believe? My memory fails me a bit just now but it was certainly just around that time. I was hired by Michael Downey because of the high praise that Mow Parzoe gave me as we had both worked at Colonial Liquors just a block away at the corner of 20th and M Street N.W. Those were such open with so many possibilities years for me as well as for the just-beginning-to-develop-into-what-it-could-be wine world. Things were simpler back then , less complicated, less of a structured wine world/business back then.
Alessandro referred to this at least twice at our meeting/extraordinary dinner at the Grand Hotel Baglioni's ristorante called " Terrazza Brunelleschi situated on the top floor with a clear view of Florence in all it's lit splendor, both man-made and by that of the moon and the stars. And this was on a crystal-clear evening I might add : and we were sitting there right in the far left corner of the ristorante as you enter. Wow, this was impressive - this was very special indeed for both my daughter and I as we were then wined and dined in complete style, warmth and comfort by two of my oldest friends, Italians as well : Andrea from Florence and Alessandro now living just outside of Pisa I believe. What a group we four made : three aging well and still quite dynamic and alive men and one beautiful and intelligent daughter of mine. And then there was the three excellent bottles of Andrea's Tuscan wines : a 2003 D & N Chianti Classico, a FOSSI 1999 Vino Nobile and one more?
We started the night's activities/frivolities/story-telling/reminiscing/toasting with an elegant and smooth Prosecco from the Terrazza Bruneleschi ristorante. Don't ask me which one it was for I never saw the label. That's okay : it tasted grand and relaxed us all and got the evening off to a running start.
I will add much more commentary and more about Andrea's wines as well shortly. Soon at work, however, I will begin to download some of the pictures from this memorable evening sitting perched high up on top of the Grand Hotel Baglioni overlooking Florence old and new in all it's splendor, glory and history.
Earlier we had experienced a 3-hour with Italian guide Giovanni a most complete and riveting and consuming tour of the streets of old Florence.
Cheers and stay-tuned for more.
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