We must have tasted between 40 and 50 Chilean wines on this evening and we had Manuel Rojas as our special guest for this evening. He was up front at our round tasting table and the first person that our customers saw when they entered through the front door.
We had a blast this evening and sold lots of wines and I will have to get a list of what we tasted to include here soon. It was packed inside our store at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 Tel : 202-363-4265 , sales@clevelandparkwine.com www.clevelandparkwine.com ).
Among some of the wines that we tasted were CONO SUR ( part organic production ), ALMA , MIGUEL TORRES , COUSINO-MACUL, ERRAZURIZ and more. I can't recollect them all just now.
It's now Wednesday, December 9th, 2009 here at home in northern Virginia as I type this and as our holidays begin for one and for all. I have a lot to add but will continue tomorrow morning when I am fresh...
I'm sorry that these photos are all a bit out of focus. I guess my lens needed a proper cleaning at the time and I was unaware of it as I excitedly took many of these pictures to both capture and preserve split-seconds of so much energy, fun and enthusiasm.
Both the suppliers pouring as well as the customers were feeling the moment fully as they either poured or went from station to station in search of the next " big " discovery for them of their perfect Chilean red or white.
Many of our customers showed up and were ready to dive completely into the experience to both learn, have fun and meet and interact with many people : some they already knew already as well as many that they had never seen before or had and were curious about learning more? It's not only just about the wine, is it?
And with all the buzz over the Chilean ambassador coming with some of his staff? Well, this really animated and energized the crowd as everyone waited and tasted and wondered : when? what will he/ they/ it all be like?
WE all just had to wait until it was fashionably late and then the three of them made their entrance : two smart/dashing men and one lovely. beautiful woman. The stage was now set and everyone took it all in and the tasting really began at this point.
Everyone was pumped with energy and excitement over these special guests and the excellent wines being poured on this evening in September, just around the day of Chile's independence? This was the theme and the reason we did Chile in September : because of their day of independence. We could celebrate along with them on this evening.
Everyone mingled and posed for many of these pictures to preserve this fine moment in time in Cleveland Park at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits.
As I said I have much more to add but for now I will post this so that at least the photos and part of the story can be enjoyed. Many of the details I will hopefully add this weekend. Cheers, and stay-tuned for more really soon ... TONY
Many of our favorite customers like Lindsay, Gaby , Lane , Don, Chris, and Bill ( and many, many more ) came : and reps like Sal Furfari ( Bacchus Imports ) and Andrew Scheider ( Monument Selections ) poured their wines. Owners of their own import companies like Manuel Rojas ( ALMA & DOS PASOS wines ) and Laurent Givry ( Elite Selections ) came and poured, too. It was a full house : a full-out grand scale effort on the part of everyone involved and we could not have done it without everyone's combined help and efforts. Thank you to you all for making this the evening that it was.
Here are the pictures that I took of this special evening of Chilean wines at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits which also included a very special visit from the Chilean ambassador himself and some of his staff. Wow, what a night this was! TONY
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