This is a real crying shame that I have not posted this blog yet.
Each year the group of dedicated German owners and winemakers comes to us usually in February or March. Adam and Derek bring them to us to taste their barrel samples as well as some of their current releases. I have gotten to know them all over time and some of the original group of about ten-twelve have returned repeatedly. These I think of our extended family at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits and I always try and keep their wines in stock.
The core group is Alice Fitz of FITZ-RITTER ( Pfalz ) , Barbara Rendquist of DR. THANISCH ( Mosel ), Karin Fischer of FISCHER, Frank , Joachim of VEREINGTE-HOSPITIEN( Mosel ) and one or two more who's names I have to check before including here.
You all know who you are and you are not all pictured here. Sorry for that. I will go ahead and get everything finished correctly now by this weekend as I have to fill in names. details and flesh-out a story as I like to do.
WE are thrilled to have them here as well as their wines. Germany is on a roll producing some amazing wines.
My problem is simply deciding which I can afford from this group as they make excellent wine across the board and I just have to budget the money I have.
You can call or email either Mike Martin or Tony Quinn ( me ) at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008, Tel : 202363-4265 ) to inquire what is available for purchase.
Cheers and stay-tuned for more. P.S. : It's now Wednesday morning at home on December 2nd, 2009 as I get ready to post the first part of this overdue blog entry. TONY
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