Claire brought from LABOURE-Roi THomas Leclere ( ) to taste these " Reserve " bottles on September 4th, 2008. I've already posted an earlier blog including more of these pictures. This blog entry is to alert everyone that we now have these LABOURE-ROI wines at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits, including some of the everyday Macon-Villages, Beaujolais-Villages and more. Come check us out or call Mike or me ( Tony ) at : 202-363-4265 and we will be more than happy to assist you and order any LABOURE-ROI wines that are available to us. Cheers and enjoy these added pictures and the stories, too ...
I liked very much the white Montagny 1er Cru as well as the red Gevrey Chambertin 2006. I bought a third LABOUE-ROI and that escapes me now as I type : it was another excellent red.
It's now months later as I finally get around to typing this up and posting it. The pictures have been waiting patiently here in a draft form now for quite some time. I took these pictures the very first time that I tasted them, before they arrived to Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 , , Tel:202-363-4265 ).
I remember the third LABOUE-ROI wine : it's a Pommard " Le Taillefer " 2006. I still have some of all of these three wines to sell in the store. The Montagny 1er cru is around $45 and the Gevrey Chambertin and the Volnay 2006 are both around $60 a bottle.
Claire will be coming to Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits to taste four of her LABOURE-ROI wines : the Macon-Villages 2008, the Beaujolais Villages 2008, the Maximum Bourgogne Blanc and a Pinot Noir from the southwest of France I believe. I will include more about this really soon.
It's now July 3rd, 2009 here at my home in northern Virginia ( Friday morning just ) and Claire will be by from 5-8 PM to taste her wines from LABOURE-ROI with our Cleveland Park customers : just in time for our 4th of July and France's 14th of July. Come and join us.
As I said I will include more shortly. I want to get this posted now in time for our tasting with Claire. Cheers et merci Claire pour cette degustation chez nous a Washington D.C. dans le quartier de Cleveland Park tres proche a notre zoo nationale. A notre 4 Juillet et a le votre Bastille Jour le 14 Juillet, 2009. TONY
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