Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Our shelves stocked fully in mid 2020 during the Corona virus pandemic Black Lives Matter election process for the next President of the United yet seriously Divided these days States Counties Cities Neighborhoods Communities and more of our great nation America that we love sooooo, and are proud to be Americans! Cheers, be safe and sound, wear masks, keep social distancing, be patient and wise as a Pfizer vaccine is on the horizon as are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to our rescue!


The shelves of Cleveland Park Wine and Spirits 3423 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington DC 20008 in mid 2020 during the Corona Virus pandemic Covid  19, Black Lives !atter, the Women’s March, global warming, social injustice and inequality, job losses, the country shut down , mask-wearing or not, deaths, the process of electing our next President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as our first female black Vice President of the United States of America, too much plastic in our oceans, hurricanes and tornados, violence, despair, hurt psyched, suicides, it felt and still feels like being in the trenches during a war this time with an invisible enemy the Corona virus, a real divide politically in our country, and yet here we were in our nation’s capitol serving the community as best we could with beer, cider Pfan and more, liquor, spirits, wine, non-alcoholic products, too, everything from around the world we could offer you all seen here in many of these pictures I took.

With reps like Briana Bishop and Stuart Carter, Tommaso, and more, customers like Michael, Susan and Howard, inside and outside our store , all up and down the rectangle that is Cleveland Park neighborhood and wine and Spirits and fine vibrant community! Yes, si oui gracias thanks merci obregado, prosit, Sante, Grazie, all! Anthony Quinn, Tuesday, December 1st, 2020 as we enter our holidays and vaccines from Pfizer on the horizon! Cheers all, thanks! Be safe and sound, healthy happy and more!

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