Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter Week And Easter Weekend @ Cleveland Park Wine Spirits And Chez Les Quinns Aussi!, What Fun, Tasting Tangle Tree Robertson Saouth African Wines With Both Michael Cavanagh And Rep Johline Barnardt, Too! Yes!

    Johline Barnardt waxes poetic over her Pet Tangled Tree Robertson South African wines now!
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    Anthony Quinn What a grand time we had with Johline Barnardt and Michael Joseph Cavanagh, rocking Cleveland Park Wines and spirits Northwest, 20008, with four fine wines from South Africa, two from Tangled Tree and one SLENT Pinotage, Shiraz red dry blend, and the A...See More
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    Anthony Quinn Go to : Tangled Tree and at @SLENTFarmFamily#wine#SouthAfrica, #Paarl, @Walker'sBay for more info!
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    Anthony Quinn
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    Join us today at Cleveland Park Wine & Spirits from 2-6 pm for our wine-tasting, free, happy Saturday, happy Easter weekend!
    Join Brennan Downey today till 2pm for his wine-tasting! Cheers!
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    Go Melanie, go Peru, go Pisco, La Diablada, Macchus Pisco, I need to climb the mountian to this enlightenment like Kim did, sounded wonderful when she spoke about it!
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    Melanie Asher Sending you lots of warm vibes from the Peruvian desert Tony!!!
    Anthony Quinn
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    Anthony Quinn
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    Getting ready this glorious Saturday Easter weekend morning here inCleveland Park Wine & Spirits Washington D.C. Northwest, 20008 for our Tangled Tree, Ayama and SLENT South African wine-tasting, join us, free, 2-6pm, cheers!
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    Anthony Quinn Michael Joseph Cavanagh is picking Johline up at Union Station now and bringing here here from Tangled Tree winery to pour her wonderful plastic, light-weight bottles, what fun! Staring soon, 2PM!

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