Sunday, March 29, 2015

Vinifera Wine Growers Association Of Local Virginia Wines Tasted From 199-1995 That I Judged Wines At The Jefferson Hotel In Washington D.C., Northwest : What Great Memories, How Happy I Was To Do This And Be Included : Cheers!

I need to take some time and write about this and include more here as a text and a backdrop and background to make it all come alive so much more than this sheet here as it was a group of highly-talented, successful and caring, passionate and concerned individuals that sat down to taste way back then in the mif nineties the burgeoning Virginia wineries that numbered perhaps fifty then? I do not know? But I will include a lot here to help make more of a context for this and these valuable tastings to bring to light and to the forefront many of the accomplishments of many of these fine Virginia wineries. Cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn 3/2/2015 Happy Sunday night to you all as we begin our next week in just over thirty minutes!

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