The long and winding road to finally get to the BOXWOOD Estate Winery this past Monday with Bruce of ProWineTours driving me there on April 29th, 2013. It was a lovely trip, cool and very damp with a constant gentle drizzle this morning as we left Shirlington and the Curious Grape food and wine store where we met, five strong! It was an animated conversation between Bruce and me and we both had plenty to say and to offer in response to each other's comments and the drive through these gentle rolling valleys and hills and picturesque towns here in northern Virginia - way, way, beautifully away and awash in the splendor of Virginia's countryside filled with farms and signs of agriculture, horses and cows and green stretches of young produce starting to thrive and flourish, kissed ever so gently thousands of times over now, even just on this one morning by a thin gauze of the smallest ever rain drops, points of life-drawing moisture. Wow, I would have taken more pictures of all of this if not worried for a memory card that might be almost finished?!? Argh, the toils and traumas of practical consideration, for I could have taken hundreds of pictures on this day , and probably should have! .I..
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It's part of life, you can plan and plan I did for this day but the timing and the amount of time I had just did not always coordinate and arrange itself into ways that I could fit everything I needed to do into getting ready for my day in Virginia visiting three wineries and getting to see all three for the very first time and soak up all that I could to enrich and add a more complete picture for me of a state that already has two hundred-plus wineries now. Wow, that's amazing all in itself and hard to wrap my thoughts around. But I was was going to give it my all and do all that I could to make this the greatest experience possible for me as it was the first-time ever that I was seeing BOXWOOD Estate Winery, BREAUX Vineyards and PARADISE SPRINGS of Clifton Winery. ...
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I was excited and ready for whatever. Talking with Bruce that was driving us and finding out that he had worked for both Touton Selections and Elite Imports was a great way to get the ball rolling. Then finding out that bruce was working on writing a book on the wines of Virginia and getting it done and ready to publish by this September-October 2013 really did get my juices flowing. I told him that he could not forget including the past and how we have arrived here where we are today. I mentioned names like Gabrielle Rausse and I was about to mention Lucie Morton's name but we got side-tracked in our conversation. I know that at some point we got to talking about the three vineyards that we would be visiting. I know that bruce told me that he visits each winery before he takes people to them. I know that he knew many of the wineries like BOXWOOD already and had visited many of them. I know that he promised that he would get us special tours with special attention. I liked hearing all of this. I was getting psyched and loving it. ...
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Bruce would tell me and everyone about the landmarks and a bout the vineyards, the local restaurants and landmarks, and it got more interesting and animated as we approached our first vineyard which was the BOXWOOD Estate Winery nestled beautifully and snug in one of those gentle rolling valleys surrounded by lush baby-tender shades of green all around. Little would prepare me or surprise or please me more than when we got to BOXWOOD and I waved to the lady that Bruce had just spoken to at the gate, Amanda was it ( ? ) as we approached the door on the left side, I opened it and there I saw standing in front of me, first Rachel Martin inside the circular tasting table in the center of the room with, I had to take a quick double-take, and then another - was it, could it be, yes, it was I believed, I was surprised, I was elated, I was amazed, pleased, starting to overflow with emotion and happiness - yes, it was Lucie Morton that was greeting me, that I was greeting, both of us smiling, I regaining my composure, hugging, with Rachel Martin smiling broadly all the while as she witnessed our splendid greeting! Rachel, I am sorry that I saw and recognized, but did not acknowledge, as I spoke first to Lucie, Rude, I apologize. But I was so happy! ... ...
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It's time for me to got to work so I will continue this later today or tomorrow as I still have a whole lot to say. ... ... ... ...
Vive Virginia, vive Virginia wines, so glad to have finally arrived here to see you Rachel " sur place, chez toi " at BOXWOOD Estate and to have Lucie Morton here, too : where the whole story started for me years ago when I read the Washington Post newspaper story announcing your arrival and the name of my old friend Lucie Morton that helped you all decide on which vines and root stocks to plant, and then to plant them, too. I had in these first few moments at BOXWOOD Estate come full circle, I could not believe or imagine this, my great luck and good fortune. And all because Lucie was already there and when she was about to leave you mentioned I would be arriving soon and she waited to see me! That alone made the whole day for me, everything else would be icing on the cake. Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn Thursday morning, May 2nd, 2013 here at home in northern Virginia
I have emailed Rachel and mentioned that I would have loved to walk the vineyards some with Lucie that morning. I said that it would have mede this surprise visit with Lucie even more memorable. I am sorry that I did not think of it at the time. Too bad. I was too surprised to be seeing Lucie. Anyway, Rachel emailed me back and she said that perhaps the next time Lucie comes to check on the vines that I can join them and tag along. That would be grand for me as everything starts with the vines and their planting. You cannot make good wine without good grapes. It would be a real treat for me to see the " new " vines that have been planted on the left of the drive to the winery when you fist enter through the main gate. Bruce pointed them out to us as he drove into the vineyard once the gates opened for us. It was a thrill to see this mostly brown earth and small wood vines so close to the ground to our left and the lush and baby-green, much-taller growth of vines already well-established and producing to our right. What block of vines is that Lucie/ Rachel? ...
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