It's always bubbly time and here one of our customers is checking out the bottle of Italian Prosecco from ZARDETTO that I think she decided to buy.
This is simply a fun, artsy piece where I took random pictures of people tasting wine, shopping, looking closely at bottles, some seen/scene through the wine bottles - and many without their knowing so that the poses would be relaxed and true without thought or preparation. I got what I got as I was not able to look through the lens sometimes of my Canon digital camera and I had the flash off many times as well. It's fun, it's all an adventure. It's all meant in good fun to capture natural pictures of people going about their business or stopping to chat with me and ask me questions.
I hope that you all like some of these pictures. They are meant as a complement and included here because I think the images and angles are fun and original and thought-provoking : and because I strongly believe that we have some of the best customers out there and it's a thrill that they shop here in Cleveland Park at our store in northwest Washington D.C. on Connecticut Avenue.
If you go running don't forget to take your bottle of chilled water like our friend above that is a favorite of ours. She doesn't even live in our neighborhood and yet makes it part of her weekly routine to come see us and buy from us instead of the store that is closer to her. We love this, really we do ... Oh, by the way, we had the Verdicchio dry white that she wanted to buy and I was happy to be able to show it to her after she tasted with us. Now that's all good. We had just received our shipment of wines from Grappoli Imports and on this order was a case of this Verdicchio for under $15 a bottle.
Cheers and may you all enjoy this wonderfully warm and clear blue-skied Sunday, April 11th, 2010 here in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area and otherwise wherever you may be. It's a treat this weekend weather that we are enjoying here as it is not too hot and everything is coming up shades of greens as well as many splendored colors in all the flowers that are blooming or beginning to now ...
This is another one of our very favorite customers that comes all the way from northern Arlington to come and shop with us. He and his wife have for years now. Here I am taking a picture of him through the bottle of CONTERNO FANTINO Barolo 2002 that was really drinking well at this moment and is ON SALE for $39.99. We still have some , too.
Here on the right is Amy that I knew way back when I sold wine at the Mayflower Wines & Spirits at the corner of M Streets and New Hampshire Avenue where the Wine Specialist is now currently ( just recently sold by Steve Maisel I am told ). Amy speaks French like I do and back in the mid eighties when I worked there with Michael Downey and Sidney Moore ( now Margolis ) we used to have some stimulating conversations. It was a total coincidence to have her at Cleveland Park and I looked at here thinking first how interesting she looked with her dreadlocks and then thinking at the back of my brain somewhere that I knew here?!
We got to talking the three of us and I said that Amy reminded me of the Amy in the three-girl group Betty. Damned if I was not correct and a light bulb went off ( as well as several flashes of light ) as I said this and everyone smiled!
Then I told Amy that I knew here from the past and she asked me where? I said that we were in a wine store and that I was talking wines with her and that that might be a good starting point at solving this riddle? They both then mentioned the Mayflower and Michael Downey's name as well and we were off again just like in the past those times so many years ago.
I love life and it's surprises like this one. It was great to reconnect with Amy and I look forward to seeing you again Amy .
Malcolm, you had better pour me a taste of one of your wines like the DOMAINE DE L'ANSEE Touraine dry white Loire Valley Sauvignon Blanc. This was a whole lot for me to take in early this last Friday afternoon with Amy and as promised they both came back to sample the wines and buy wines for their big party which included some of the St. Felice riserva Ciro dry red made from Galioppo indigenous grape in Calabria, southern Italy ( $19.99 ).
When owner Paolo Librandi was in the store maybe a month or so ago ( read his blog here as well on chatwine ) I got a chance to try all the current LIBRANDI wines and we bought an assortment of them. I was asked how the St. Felice was tasting and I said that it was very smooth and elegant and refined and that it reminded me in many ways of a red Pinot Noir burgundy. Paolo concurred as that is the new direction that this wine is going in. I smiled : I knew that it had changed quite a bit : much more elegance and finesse now. I actually liked the old style, too : but I do enjoy this more refined taste for many a meal like veal perhaps?
Anyway Amy's friend who's name escapes me now ( sorry! ) had enjoyed it recently in a restaurant and had to have some for her party. I told her that it was a great choice and that many people would really enjoy it.
I also recommended that she buy some of the ALLEGRINI 2008 Valpolicella Veneto Italian dry red ( $15.49 ) as it would also appeal to a broad range of palates and be excellent if people were outside and the temperatures soared into the high eighties and low nineties. She did not know it but with Amy's encouragement as well as mine bought some bottles.
A also got her to buy for Amy a special bottle of Ripasso Valpolicella from another producer that just came to our store ( ? Can't remember the name just now but I have also blogged about that visit recently along with Robin Shay of ALLEGRINI and POGGIO AL TESORO and so you can check the last few recent entries and read more about all of these wines if you would like ) and that I bought immediately after trying it myself for Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits.
Here's Gabriella and Malcolm above enjoying this dry SACRED STONE California blend( $10.99 ) of mostly the Italian grapes of Sangiovese and Barbera I believe. It's been reordered for the store now several times and it was great to have it back and Malcolm Riddle of International Cellars Imports tasting it with our customers this last Friday afternoon from 5-8 PM). That must have been April 3rd, 2010 if I am not mistaken?
Malcolm was tasting this kiwi lime wine-colored label Olivier indigenous off-dry white from Hungary. The grape is related to the Muscat grape and it has been a very popular wine for us for years : a sleeper wine as it has always sold well and most people are still discovering it.
We also sell lots of half bottles as they are a convenience for some of our customers that travel often and still want to enjoy a glass of wine when they want. Here is one of our customers looking at a selection of three of them and asking me some questions about them. We recently got a selection of some French red Bordeaux ( a Bordeaux , a Saint Emilion and a red Graves ) wines and a ANTIS reserve 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon from Argentina ( $7.99 On Sale ) from William Harrison Imports.
Here I am with Amy of the singing group Betty and her friend.
I like this picture of an organic 2007 PRO Sauvignon Blanc from Chile that I bought from Brett of Calypso Imports that only sells organic and biodynamic and Free Trade wines where they can. This is a great deal for a flavorful and inexpensive Sauvignon Blanc to enjoy with a meal and I love this shot that I got.
In this picture above I am holding up a bottle of the 2003 " Vutur " single vineyard Aglianico Del Vulture dry Italian red from southern Italy that we are selling On Sale now for $18.99 a bottle I believe. It's still young and can use some more bottle-age as it was even better the second day that it was open then on the first day. That's alright L buy some now and don't be in a rush to drink it. Hide it away in your cellar or a dark, cool closet somewhere away from the light and don't be tempted to drink it for another two-five years and you will be rewarded in a big way for your patience.
And so starts our tasting here in Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 Tel:202-363-4265 ) with Malcolm Riddle of International Cellars Imports : two dry reds and two dry whites hopefully something for everyone.
Sometimes ( probably in all truth : most times! ) I take pictures that are indulging my artistic bent and artistic explorations of " going out on a limb ". I always have one foot or hand somewhere safe and the other reading, dangling, thrusting, being swept out and away and giving me that sense of being really outside my comfort zone I like this : I need this. This is how I grow as a person- as an artist and as someone that thinks and feels and lives on his sleeves as well as inside somewhere in warmth an the protective zones. For more pictures like the one above go to :
I'm glad that I took this picture of our customer and friend that comes with her husband to shop with us here. They drive from north Arlington, Virginia. What an honor : what a complement!
I think at this point that this customer above has made her decision to buy the ZARDETTO Prosecco ( under $15 a bottle ). I can see it in her smile. I liked the bright yellow of her blouse and I liked very much her smile. I was drawn to take these few pictures of her. I was lucky to have my camera ready and handy. She was not tasting with Malcolm, standing just to his side and I could not fail to notice her. And I must admit that sometimes I take pictures simply because I like what I am looking at : and I liked her smile and eyes so alive.
And the tasting goes on above with Malcolm. Malcolm is waiting for some reaction to his wines here I guess.
In the back I was tasting the Italian wines of the Barolo and the Aglianico Del Vulture ( wine selections from Neil Empson Imports ) with these same customers later. Just to my right was this young lady looking at the beers in our cooler. She had her i-pod and was hooked-up to perhaps a really great song? I was not sure. I had no idea really but I liked / loved her youth and her attitude and again I am really glad that I had my camera at the ready to take these few pictures of her as she strutted her stuff, posed, poised and flexed - her attitude, her demeanor, her personality all here and positive and confident and with no-regrets. I liked all of this, I really was enjoying this side show of hers. Who was she performing for? Was it for the music that she was listening to? Was it for us/ the beers in the cooler? It did not matter o me : it was a good show - it certainly got my attention and I got some fun, quick shots here between taking those of Gabriella and our two customers from north Arlington, Virginia.
Prosecco was on our customers' minds this weekend. Here pictured above looking at the liquor n our shelves is one of our favorite regulars that has firmly clutched in her right hand a bottle of the ADAMI Prosecco fro the Veneto region of Italy ( $16-17 ? ) a bottle. I buy this from Michael Downey's son Brennan and am happy to have it in the store. last drank some with owner Paolo of the Sorriso northern Italian ( Friuli & Veneto inspired menu ) restaurant just across and down Connecticut Avenue N.W. from us when my wife and I dined there last. It was so bright and fresh and lively and refreshing that night. I do believe that the three of us could have finished off the bottle together that night. Pietro had just finished cooking for the night and was happy to finally be able to relax.
This ADAMI Prosecco N.V. brut was confident an smooth and and pleasing just as is the look on our customer's face here behind two of our other regular customers each here clutching a different bottle to enjoy this weekend. They have two as we are closed on Sundays and you just never know when you will want another bottle of wine now do you?!?
She has in her hands a bottle of the STE. CHAPELLE ( $9.99 ) soft Chenin Blanc 2007 from Washington State and Idaho grapes. I am thrilled to have it along with the dry Riesling and the dry Gewurztraminer ( both 2007 and and $9.99 ; and both made entirely from grapes grown in Idaho ) He has a bottle of the Chilean PRO dry 2007 Sauvignon Blanc ( $7.99 ) : both are really great deals. I am looking forward to hearing how they liked these two dry white wines?
Here Malcolm is pouring some of the California SEAN MINOR Napa Pinot Noir ( $17.99 : it's our third order already ) that is smooth and quite lush and ripe and just within the limits of being too fruity and fleshy. I think that many people will enjoy it with or without food. It's very appealing and hard to resist as it tastes so good all on it's own and does not need food to flesh it out. I am sure we will have to order some really soon as once that people discover it it sells quickly.
Cheers and thanks for the moments / the memories / all the good times shared here together at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits! TONY P.S. And to many more ...
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