It was a great pleasure to have wine-maker Lewis Pasco in our store tasting his four kosher/Israeli dry wines with us back in January 2006. They were all four dry, two whites ( a Sauvignon Blanc and a Chardonnay ) and two reds ( a Merlot and a Cabernet Sauvignon ). As usual a number of our regular customers showed up to try the wines and buy them. Lewis signed many bottles that evening as gifts I remember. It was a very successful tasting. Our Palm Bay rep Pascal Salvadori that I have known for over twenty years now ( we worked together for awhile at Laurent Selections Imports with Alan Cohen ) was there as well with another lady from Palm Bay imports. It was obviously a big deal having Lewis in Washington D.C. and they were making every effort at Palm Bay to make it successful.
It was the very first time we at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits had had an important person from Israel ( either wine owner or maker ) pouring wines in the store and I was thrilled for this opportunity. We have enjoyed selling Lewis' wines for years. We sold quite a few this last Passover. We sell kosher wines now each and every day. It's Wednesday morning at home at 10:09 A.M. and soon I have to get to work. It's July 9th and we will be receiving a shipment of much-needed kosher wines to the store. Our shelves look thread-bare because people are buying them now so frequently. The quality is very high.
I mention the day I am writing because just yesterday I had a male customer ask me about Israeli wines. There was a question in his tone as to the quality I assumed. I told him how good they were and showed him a bottle of 2003 GAMLA Sangiovese that I like so much. I could easily have shown him a bottle of any of the RECANATI wines. They are so stylish, beautifully-crafted, pure, elegant expressions of the various grapes and will definitely marry well with many foods and not displace/replace/disgrace them. I'm happy to represent the broad range of kosher wines that we sell. I am extremely happy to recommend, too ANY RECANATI wine depending on the customer's particular circumstances.
I look forward to getting you back to the store to do another tasting with our customers Lewis. You came sporting a beautiful rich red sweater and an equally appealing smile the night of our tasting. I see Randy and Sandy tasting with you, listening carefully to you explain each wine. It's fun to see you signing a bottle. What did you write? The customer, clutching his beautiful bouquet of tulips looks pleased that soon he will have another equally impressive treasure in his hands to share with a loved one.
In the picture with me and Lewis I'm holding a bottle of the Chardonnay upside down. That's the one I took home to enjoy with my family and my daughter loved it and asked me to bring it home again on at least a couple of times she liked it so much.
Cheers to you Lewis and your elegant, polished, satiny expressions of pure fruit flavors enveloped nicely with accents of everything else a wine needs - go RECANATI, keep it up. TONY
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