Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sal Galati Of Winebow Imports W/ Jody Jackman Tastes JUVE Y CAMPS Brut Sparkling Cava Wine @ Cleveland Park Wines 7/14/2010

I loved this Spanish cava that I tasted yesterday with rep Sal from Winebow as well as our own great rep Jody Jackman of Winebow. It sure was smooth and silky, rich , bright, fresh , lively and elegant. No bite, no burn, just a lovely velvety rumble and churn, smooth - slow-motion, a delight for the tongue, mouth, esophagus, belly and even eyes, brows and temples. I liked it : I liked it a lot. It will be fun to add here to our selection for simply refreshing gustatory - like a lovely water bed of cava flavors to float on and occasionally dip your tongue deep into - dive deeply into, taste buds open/eyes closed as you get deep into the taste and flavors and do somersaults and twists and turns, tango moves, cha cha cha's, tongue-lap slow grinds... so pleasing, so immediate, so easy and effortless with both this Spanish cava liquid doing 120% as you and maybe do 80%? Maybe less on our part and yet I felt completely involved, completely ONE with this dry brut cava.

I know, I know, curb some of my enthusiasm and verbiage! It's hard, I like getting excited and enthusiastic over these flavors and taste sensations. I felt alive and exuberant and enriched : all wonderful states of physical and mental mind, n'est ce pas vrai?!?

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