Thursday, March 25, 2021

My life in 2017 as an artist, wine enabler, wine educator, community member at home and at work in Cleveland Park neighborhood Northwest Washington DC 20008 at Cleveland Park Wines and Spirits , gardener, husband, father, my photos I took at work,nat home, going to and from work, before Covid 19 pandemic, cheers all, I am posting these pictures now on Thursday March 25, 2021 during the Covid 19 pandemic, staying alive,surviving,mthriving! Yay!

my etchings and my son's really early watercolors done as a very you g boy, love them, cheers,nall about a community of live and hope and happiness and including all as equal, no bullying, no eletist crap, we are one, cheers, accepting all, live and let live, cheers! Tony 3/25/2021 happy Thursday all

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