Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Enjoying Immensely The 2006 Bonnes-Mares Grand Cru ( Grand Vin De Bourgogne ) Of The DOMAINE FOUGERAY De BEAUCLAIR Tonight, Wednesday October 22nd, 2014 @ Home In Northern Virginia

John our rep from JAO Wine  Imports was nice to leave this open bottle of the 2006 DOMAINE FOUGERAY DE BEAUCLAIR Bonnes Mares Grand Cru that he opened on Monday and tasted me earlier today at Cleveland Park Wine And Spirits in Cleveland Park, Northwest where we will sell the wine at over $100 a bottle On Special starting in early November.

It is magnificent now, even two day's old. I am thrilled to have some poured here in my glass on my left as I type this impassioned love testament here attesting that I, Anthony Quinn , am enthralled with it, the color, the brightness, it's clarity, it's reflective quality, translucence and clam peace and mystery. I'm drawn-in completely. I can still taste it on my tongue, throat and palate, and it has warmed my belly ever so wonderfully.

It was a touch hard when I first sampled it with my salmon dinner tonight. It had edge and a touch of rough and grit and dirt that was hard and less welcoming. hat was thirty-forty minutes ago. Now it is full and appealing and charming and delightful. I'm amazed, I'm dazed, phazed, pleased and pleasured and plumped and perked and feeling a lulling and lilting and swinging perkiness, as if rocked in the best hammock made from the finest rope that breathes.

I'm at attention, I'm feeling the flow, the energy and warmth and brightness of this burgundy red! I love it, I really do, it's a complete wine, perfect in all it's imperfect perfections which are many and so alive and so touchyfeel to my whole palate, all my senses, and all my body. It has charmed me. I'm off to luxuriate in this red liquid gold from Burgundy and will finish this a bit later.

Just watched " The Voice " and " American Pickers " on tv and enjoyed my burgundy wine. The sign of a great bottle like this for me is pure and simple : I liked everything, I liked it from the start to the finish. I did not want the experience to finish. I lingered and languished and took my time and took small sips and savored and paused and went almost in slow-motion. I certainly did not rush.

At the end after taking my last couple of small sips to stretch the experience I inhaled deeply from the glass. I got the last of the bouquet from the glass, too.

I went upstairs during one of the commercial breaks for the last two chocolate and nut biscotti, gave one to my wife, and held mine back to luxuriate in the glow, the halo, the aura, the presence of this extraordinarily beautiful, blemished, muddled and mired and inspired and fired flame of a Pinot Noir combination of various delightful clones. It was an honor, a thrill , a ride that comes so infrequently for me, and I am so thrilled and pleased to have had it ( thanks / merci John ), and I took full advantage of it and wish that there were more to continue.

Another sign of a great bottle of wine is that I do believe that I could have drunk more, drunk perhaps even the whole bottle when and if it was there. I had  half a bottle and I did share a glass with our neighbors. When I told Katarina how much the wine would retail for she exclaimed in front of two of her children : " Wholy crap! I will have to get Matt to try some. "

I will ask her later how they enjoyed this 2006 Bonnes - Mares Grand Cru from the DOMAINE FOUGERAY De BEAUCLAIR? I bet it surprised and pleased them. It did me, and I am thankful.  Anthony  ( TONY ) Quinn 10 /22 2014

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