I'm pretty exhausted and yet I want to share this with you all tonight at 12:10AM on what just became the wee hours of the morning following from the day of Saturday, March 19th, 2011. I'm exhausted and I was going through raptures and loving the ride of a tremendous expansion of flavors in my mouth at around 8:30PM this evening when I finally sat down at the computer and I got the idea to take these ten or so pictures of this bottle and my glass partly filled with the LEROY 2007 Bourgogne rouge 100% Pinot Noir.
Regis of Roanoke Imports had opened the bottle around 3 PM earlier this afternoon and along with it a bottle, too of the magnificent 1998 LEROY Bourgogne bland 100% Chardonnay. Regis kept saying to our Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits customers : " How many California Chardonnays could be 12 years old like this LEROY 1998 white Burgundy ? " Not many if any is the response to that Regis.
I love this picture above : it may be the very best of the ten or so pictures that I took - at least for me.
The 2007 LEROY red Burgundy was magnificent at 8:30 PM. It had opened beautifully and exhibited such rounded, bright and balanced flavors that simply were near-to-perfect in every sense and application of the word. In wine terms this was a great use to describe perfect because there is nothing in my humble opinion that could have been done to improve upon this wine. It had it all. Even the sediment seen here at the scene of this liquid feast was tasty as can/ could be and I still derived infinite enjoyment out of it as it collected, ground and twisted and groaned-moaned into the fibers of both my mouth, head, gut and throat! Wonderful - always the flavor and the power and the concentration as well as the spectacle and the flair and the feast and the tease and please of the whole picture. It was all visible, awake to the nostrils and an absolute seduction of both palate and tongue and complete 3-D expanse of the mouth.
I loved it , I grinned, I whimpered and wallowed, I sifted through, lingered, lavished and let the moment take full control of my senses and attention and I was simply there along for a wonderfully serendipitous ride as the 2007 LEROY Bourgogne rouge had it's way with me completely and had ample and complete time to define and distinguish and show itself in nothing but the finest and most crystal clear of lights, shades, shadows, lights, textures and tapestries of flavors and tastes. Wow, I was won over, I was conquered, I was mesmerized and charmed. Merci Bize LEROY : tu m'a plu enormement, vraiment. Je ne pouver pas imagine mieux que ca.
I'm sure I have much more to say about the finesse, the color, the fullness and the completeness of these defined and clear and almost spiritual flavors and tastes that wound around me and caressed all of my senses and powers and whims and fancies and fantasies and doors and windows, ports and valleys, channels and roads and artistic expressions and poetic expansions and artsy touches and dashes and splashes of colors and shapes, forms, textures and colors. Merci infinement. Je vais maintenant dormir, je suis tellement content comme un bebe qui a deja bu son lait chaud juste comme it faut-fallait - the perfect drink, the perfect charm - that which is an enormous treat and a complete surprise and thus something that will stay with me for a very, very, very long time. I can finally sleep now/soon like a baby. Thank you, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
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