Don't buy into all the popular trends and jargon and advertising and cute labels and merchandising and points and scores and numbers and abstractions that have little or nothing really to do with your eventual enjoyment of any wine. Forgo the reviews and the internet and the easy-to-find-dial-up reviews and opinions and points-of-view from others.
Instead be bold and daring and go out on a limb, breathe deeply, be daring, be adventuresome : don't know the beginning middle and the end to your next wine journey.
Fall into it : be swept up into it, be led by it , be moved by it : the wine, the meal, the people gathered around : the immediacy of the moment. Be prepared to fall flat on your face, to scratch you head, to positively not like or understand or command the wine in this particular situation that you are lost in and quite overtaken by!
It's okay not to know and not to be in control all the time. It's okay to trust to your instincts and to let things happen, to have them unwind and unravel and simple become and " be ". Go along with it, go for it, be taken on a ride that is not scripted and completely known in advance by you.
Allow the wine and the food and the moment to work their collective magic on you. Simply that, not the opinions and the views and the scripts of others. Taste things as well as see and smell and hear them for the very first time - like a child without opinions and prejudices. Leave all those far behind and be brave and not fear.
The epiphany and the serendipitous, the wondrous, the unknown and the welcome and the sweeping emotions and tastes, the flights, the swoops, dips and catapults, the swings the being flung high and soaring like a bird suddenly, the sense of a fantastic coaster ride - let it all happen and take place. You simply become a rider - a passenger - a sight-smell-taste-seer!
You will be amazed, you will be stunned and surprised and so pleased and happy and fulfilled in so many ways that will register but that you cannot - should not want - to put your fingers on. It's simply all good in the end and rewarding to.
Try it.
Cheers, TONY
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