Barry Glassman and I hit it off pretty much immediately. He's from Oregon and has been representing the AIRLIE VINEYARD Oregon wines all over the United States now for several years while the two females stay being and take care of both making the wines and managing the vineyard and winery. No, Barry is not married to either of these two females : I asked him as I always like to discover the links and the bonds that exist between the various players.
Barry liked very much how I would hear something or make a connection and be off on a tear in some direction that whatever it was made me think of. He didn't mind at all : as a matter of fact he got quite caught up in it all and smiled and laughed and enjoyed the good cheer and the good vibes as I tried his Pinot Noirs as well as his to me at least much more novel and interesting red made from the French hybrid grape of yore called Marechal Foch.
And for that matter I also liked very much his dry white Muller Thurgau wine. too. Both these spoke to me because they offer the wine-taster something different that they have probably never, ever seen or tasted or heard of before and to me that's where it becomes fascinating. I may be alone in this thought - I often think that I am - and yet with my enthusiasm I often get people to follow along with me - ride my enthusiasm and actually try some of these unexpected and unknown joys that these lesser-known grapes can and do offer up.
Don't get me wrong : I liked everything that I tried on this December 1st, 2010 with Barry and Oscar of Voila Imports. They are all excellent and all worth trying. I will get together soon with Oscar and buy some of your wines Barry and have them for sale at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits ( 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 Tel:202-363-4265 and on Facebook now at: clevelandparkwines&spirits, too ). I will definitely buy the Marechal Foch and sell it because it is one of the very few I have seen for sale in years and it's excellent, too - very bright and fresh and alive with it's own character and very versatile with all it's possible food applications.
I will also look closely at buying some of the Muller Thurgau as well as possibly the Gewurztraminer or the Pinot Gris. Later I will focus on the Pinot Noirs after I introduce these others.
I have much still to say here on Tuesday, December 14th, 2010 at 9:06AM here at my home in northern Virginia on a really frigid and brutally cold late autumn morning that definitely feels more like winter now. I have to get ready for work and get to the store, though so I will post this now and add to it as I have time.
Enjoy the rest of these pictures in the meantime and stay-tuned for more. Cheers and happy holidays 2010 and Happy New Year 2011 to you Barry and to the two ladies and all your families and everyone else and keep up the great work! TONY
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