Maurice Barnouin , owner and winemaker of DOMAINE DE GOURNIER ( Scea B Barnouin Domaine de Gournier ) Tel: 33(0)4 66 83 30 91 Fax: 33(0)4 66 83 31 08 Ancienne Route nationale 30190 Boucoiran, France 06 12 96 86 33 ) came by with rep Ronnie Miller of Robert Kacher Selections this Tuesday, May 19th, 2009. He was also with husband and wife ( Philippe and Corinne ) of Alsace's DOMAINE EHRHART. I was meeting them for the very first time and had already met Maurice now perhaps three-four times? Who's counting? It was great to see him again and I was delighted to try the two wines that he brought with him.
Ronnie had open samples of both the red Merlot and the dry , deep-colored rose. Both had been open already a day and yet both drank really well. If they lost anything it was perhaps a bit of fruit but they nonetheless showed really well and not once was I thinking that they were from day-old bottles. I do want to retry the Merlot and see what the difference is.
With the rose I think that the wine probably had developed even more of it's flavors and blossomed even more, showing more interesting layers of becoming-ripe fruits like cherries with splashes of strawberries? I loved it's color : it drew me to it. Look at the pictures : there's quite a contrast from the deep rose color in at least three pictures to it over the white case of wine below it where I have the glass on it's side a lthe lovely pale colors of the wine shine beautifully. I love that night-and-day contrast of this rose.
Check out my previous blog here at to see pictures and read the story of Maurice three years ago I believe.
Revenez nous voir Maurice. La prochaine on peut deguster tes vins avec notre clientele a Cleveland Park ( Wines & Spirits, 3423 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 Tel: 202-363-4265 ) comme avant? Merci encore pour ta visite chez nous ici a Washington D.C. ( the nation's capitol ). TONY
Enjoy, TONY
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