Monday, April 15, 2013

Malcolm Riddle Of His Own American Riddle On Facebook Gives Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn - Me - A Grand Chance To Voice My Concerns, Opinions, Feelings, Stories & Experiences About Art, Culture, Film and Wine Of The Past 35 Years In An Hour+ Podcast Saturday, April 13th, 2013 : Thank You Malcolm From Me , My Voice , My Heart!

Sorry to hear just awhile ago about the tragedy and senseless loss of precious lives in Boston today at the tail-end of the Boston Marathon where everything had made for a near-perfect day until this happened. Our thoughts and our prayers go out to everyone touched by this horrible tragedy. Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn ... a moment of silence is in order here ... I include this picture to give us that Pause to reflect for a moment in silence with our own thoughts and our own grief, shared as well. Please do not continue reading this until you have collected yourselves. I include this here because it is an integral part of today's events and we all must deal with it on our own terms. ... ... What follows is what I wrote and posted , the pictures and the text before I knew anything about this tragic event. Cheers. More later on this as we decide what we may do to help with this. TONY ... ... ( This picture below of Malcolm was taken awhile ago at a previous podcast, as he has already done five. It's thumbs-up because he has encountered many technical challenges in making these work as effectively as he can. He's smiling because everything has started to work as it should. An old picture as I said, not from today, none of these are pictures from today ). ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I am an artist that sells wine to pay my bills and to make ends meet and to combine two things that I love dearly : wine and art, and family and friends! These are essential to me. They are me in a nutshell, they are my essence, my personality, my being, my voice. I cherish them and hope to do good by them, to make them proud, to make them heard and known and helpful where they can be. It's a small community and yet the one that sustains me and I think that to be humbled and to be alive. alert, honest and to do whatever I can do to do my part as this unit is my goal. Malcolm, you have helped me to accomplish a really big thing this past Saturday, April 13th, 2013 starting around 9:30PM with you and with Meriem Tazi of the Vienna Vintner. Thank you both of you for being there at the store after hours to talk with me on this pod cast. ... ... ... ... ( Meriem Tazi was nice enough to take this picture of Malcolm Riddle and Anthony Quinn - the wine enabler - also the name for my Twitter account if you want to follow me - after our grand podcast which is up and running and honestly honest ! ) ... ... ... ... I do not think I have had this much fun in a very long time. I loved this experience because I had no idea what to expect, none at all. I like it this way as I want the experience to wash over me and be truly special and my own and " new - virgin " and thrilling! Why should I rob myself of the experience by already knowing all about it before I even experience it?!? So, this was a wonderfully fresh, bright, alive, passionate, gutsy, raw, brutally honest serendipitous conversation with you Malcolm about art, culture, film, wine. Meriem, you listened and poured the delightfully fruit-forward, highly-alcoholic - over 16% alcohol by volume, MARTINELLI California 2009 Zinfandel as Malcolm and I shared our thoughts and effortlessly bounced back and forth of the other in a rolling and heated conversation. ... ... As I said I had a blast, a wonderful time, I smiled, laughed inwardly and felt good about the whole thing : completely engaged, completely present and " of the moment " and delighted to be finding expression for my voice that has been growing stronger by the second, more so now than ever before it seems. and I need desperately to find channels for it. So thank you Malcolm. ... ... ... ... I thought podcasts were dead. Our son and daughter talked about them, listened to them, used them years ago but since then I have not heard anything and it was not until you mentioned doing a podcast with me Malcolm that the word or idea or art of became real once more to me. And REAL it was and is and I feel so good about all of this, really I do : from the ashes for me to life and vitality and energy, purpose and wonderful means to a grand journey with the promise more now than before of many possible ends! How will this story, this movie, this plot end for us Malcolm?!? Today I have spent more time looking at Malcolm's Facebook page : American Riddle. I did not look much at first as I just said here earlier because I did not want to jinx the podcast with you Malcolm. It worked : I/ we did not jinx it at all. Seemed to me that the three of us got along fabulously, really , really well. That is such a good feeling to have. Fun and entertaining, meaningful and special to have worked so well with the two of you Malcolm and Meriem! ... ... ... ... I just got a message from you Malcolm simply stating : " The link is up ". How exciting! Can't wait to hear or voices again, that's what I wrote back to you. I did listen earlier to Meriem Tazi and owner of Vienna Vintner Richard Dicurcio speak to you Malcolm and I liked that, I liked it quite a bit. I will go and listen to all five other podcasts that you have made prior to this one with me, honing your podcasting skills along the way. You had also one with Rick Marirero about restaurant business , one with Brandon Alter and Bailey Fink, and more ... and the next one will be with someone that I have known for many years as a customer and a friend Tony Guida that has a license to marry people, has been involved in wine-tastings for forever and that used to ( still May ) have an incredible annual pig-roast? Can't wait to hear what you say about that Tony as well as your yearly stints at the Maryland Renaissance Festival each fall?!? ... ... ... ... The pictures here are taken by Malcolm and not by me. I did not take any this time around. I should have, but my mind was completely on this podcast and it was not until the end that it occurred to me that I had not taken any pictures. ... ... I did draw two quick portrait sketches of each Meriem and of you Malcolm before leaving. I am glad I did that. It was my parting gift to the two of you for being such great sports about this whole wonderful podcast evening of ours where the podcast medium came suddenly, brightly and magically alive to me. You are good at this Malcolm and it's a very useful and valuable way to communicate and find our voices and give them a meaningful avenue of expression. I look forward to working more with you on this Malcolm. Thanks again. ... ... Now I am going to share this blog and listen to the magic of our voices on our podcast. Cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn ... ... The podcast can be found on your Facebook page : American Riddle, and also at : Cheers, can't wait! TONY It's now Monday afternoon at 5:15PM on April 13th, 2013 on a gray and cool afternoon here in northern Virginia at home.

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