Monday, August 19, 2024

MY wine career has been what I refer to as ‘ working in the trenches ‘ teaching and sharing what I have learned with y customers that have come to Cleveland Park Wine and Spirits where I have managed the wine department since 2000! I have loved it and benefited equally from what my customers have shared with me - mutually beneficial and satisfying to us both I believe and hope! Cheers on Monday, August 19 2024 the day the Democratic National Convention starts in Chicago!


I have loved what I have done with my wine career that has mirrored my art career, they have travelled with me hand-in-hand I am thrilled for this.

I have met many people and shared any glorious moments with them and I am so blessed and privileged for all of this. Thank you, Grazie, gracias, merci for all of this!

I have met many owners of wineries, winemakers, both, people from all around the world, in all professions, all ages, all beliefs, religions or not, colors, all styles I’d dress and fashion, all arts, from poor to rich, students, beginners in wine, seasoned and lovers of wine, all!

I have,Ed a life rich in experiences and not in the pursuit of money.

In my art that I am turning to as I close on December 24, 2024 my career at Cleveland Park Wine and Spirits y stint there , on my art I want to find happy homes for it. In y pursuit of following my art paths I have chosen as best I can to carve and to wind and paint, draw, write, hum, fumble, stamp, stomp, flash, strip, be untamed, raw spontaneous, quick, do and not think or overthink, keep up with my flashes of insights and inspirations as best as I may as best as I can! WOW! I am out of breath! I have called much of what I do ‘ working on empty ‘! I love it! I love it all! 

I am an optimist, a child with wonder and awe, glee, gladness, silliness, sass I ess, salacious, thundering, thirsty, brave, an exhibitionist, a nudist at heart, nude when I can and may be, including my socially acceptable nakedness in all my pictures as often as I may. I push all my limits, I challenge, I stand up for what I believe, I am embarrassed for having,Ed in the blind , unaware, privileged, upset at this, astounded and mad and furious at the way the world runs, the very few wealthy selfish, bullying few, the inequality, the injustice, the suffering, the hungry, the abused, the raped, the men telling women still what to do with their bodies. 

Enough is enough, politics and those in power being swayed by money, power, greed, safety for themselves and their families, the keeping of so many uneducated so they may serve our needs, follies, fantasies, whims so that we do not have to do the hard work ourselves!

Time for change, time for Kamala Harris to become our next President of the United States of America and for Donald Trump to got prison for all the wrongs he has   committed and all the pain he has inflicted everywhere!

This picture above is taken at our home enjoying a fine meal with fine wine from Argentina from Nicolas Catena! And great ripening peaches from North Carolina on our refectory table I purchased from Sally Kravitz , wife of  Dan Kravitz  of Hand Picked Selections with money and some of my art! Thank you Dally, this was a present to my wife for her birthday and we love it still!

Loved meeting you Nicolas Catena , with Nora Favelukas, at her invitation to help Nicolas start his career here in the United States back in the early nineties. We met the three of us for lunch  at Bilbo Baggins Cafe in Old Towne Alexandria.

Thank you all!

I do it all with love! Anthony TONY Quinn 8/19/2024