Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Anthony Quinn's Tuesday Weekly Waxing Poetic On The Upcoming Stress Over The Presidential Election Results, On Halloween, On VILLA ROSA Barbaresco 2013, Chenin Blanc 2014 HOUSE OF MANDELA Vusani Series, LUNAE Colli Di Luni Vermentino Dry Italian White, KANGARILLA ROAD McLaren Vale 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon South Australia, BOE Brooklyn Oenology 2014 Pinot Gris North Fork, New York, , Malbec Made With Organic Grapes Rennie Vineyard YORKVILLE Cellars, Yorkville Highlands, Mendocino County, CA., & More!

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Brrrrrrrrr This Glorious Grand Tuesday Morn : Spirits Galore!


Cleveland Park Wines via icontactmail3.com 

5:22 PM (9 minutes ago)

to me
Cleveland Park WineCleveland Park Beer, Liquor & Wine
Featuring a wide, international selection of fine wines, micro-brews and spirits
HAPPY TUESDAY ALL ..   IT was  an Indian Summer through yesterday, I gardened in our front yard working on our flower bed, planting two delicate-colored green-white lavender plants, side-by-side, to weather the elements together, like many of us do, a team, a couple, working for a better world,  and so much more ...
LIFE IS GOOD, even with all our political uncertainty we still have to find strength and happiness, a positive spin to enough things to continue and not collapse with worry and stress and grief, anxiety that hurts and wounds us so!
ALE & BEER From Santos :
I SMILED as I walked the length of our store and in the beer department my eyes landed on the ...
1) Canadian beer/ ale UNIBROUE called " La Fin du Monde "! I picked it up, a 4-pack of 12-ounce bottles, a Belgian-style triple ale , $12.99 a 4-pack, with 9% alcohol by volume. We can all drink some of this now and on the 8th of November 2016 after we see the results of our next Presidential election. 
BUT , BEING POSITIVE, my eyes searched further and landed on the ...
2)UNIBROUE Canadian " Ephemere ' , an ale made on it's lees ( sediment that is stirred back into the ale as it ages gracefully and gradually, thus imparting more flavor back into this golden ale elixir ). This 4-pack of 12-ounce bottles is On Special for $10.99 a 4-pack, and it is perfect for now as this ale is brewed with apple juice, Coriander and Orange peel, with natural flavor added, too. What fun!
3) ' Pumpkin ' Spiced Sour Ale with Brett called FUNKIER by BOULEVARD SMOKEHOUSE Series Special Release, On Special for $13.99 a 750ml bottle, for a 1 Pt. 9.4Fl. Oz bottle, with 8.5% alcohol by volume, from Kansas City, Missouri,  : " ... Here they're given breattanomces additional time to develop, adding further complexity and character. Subtle pumpkin flavor is accented by traditional spicing in a beer that also showcases the hallmark earthy notes of our house with wild yeast strain," Enjoy!
4) Kriek Nothwest Sour Ale , ale aged in oak barrels with cherries, 2015 Project from the CASCADE Brewing Company, On Special for $32.99 a 750ml bottle,  with 7.1% alcohol by volume,  HOUSE OF SOUR, : " Kriek is a blend of sour red ales aged in oak with wine barrels for up to 17 months with cherries. " Oh yeah, take a slow sip, let the flavors saturate, infiltrate all your waiting senses, yes!
          LIQUEUR -

1) Silver Slivovitz Plum Brandy, Kosher for Passover, from R. JELINEK , $28.99 a 750ml bottle, from Vizovice, Czech Republic, ... quite the elixir, the tonic for many ailments possibly, really forward and intense flavors, great to enjoy at the end of an evening, even outside for awhile looking up at the stars and the moon. Cheers!
2) Amaro traditional bitter liqueur from ' DONNA ROSA ' from Don Ciccio & Figli, made in Washington D.C., $43.99 a bottle, for a 750ml bottle, with 20% alcohol by volume, : " History tells us that the Fjord of Furore was a perfect refuge for them. The ' Janare ' hid themselves under walnut trees to prepare their mysterious and magical concoctions.
The legend of local fishermen siad that Donna Rosa was the leader of this witchcraft practice. "
" You must try this : many of our customers swear by it!
          LIQUOR :
1) ' Owl's Brew ' , a tea crafted cocktail called " Pink & Black ', it is a blend of Darjeeling, hibiscus, lemon peel & strawberry, $13.99 a bottle, 32 Fl. Oz, a lovely alternative of exciting flavors and tastes, great on the rocks,and also to blend with vodka and sparkling wine and other spirits, too.
2) 1812 Maryland Bourbon Whiskey, handcrafted spirits, distilled in Rockville, with 45% alcohol by volume, On Special for $34.99 a bottle : brand new to us and really exciting : love supporting local, from Batch Number 18, this is a double cask offering to you all. Come try some to see how your palate likes and warms to it?!?
          THREE From KINSEY :
1)KINSEY Whiskey , aged 7 years , a Pennsylvania Classic now, On Special for $35.99 a bottle, with 43.4% alcohol by volume : I liked the brightness, the rightness, the flavor, warmth and slight burn, too of this golden elixir whiskey fromthe Milestone Spirits Group in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Sip it neat. Feel alive, wake up!
2) Bourbon Whiskey from KINSEY , On Special for $43.99 a 750ml bottle, with 49.5% alcohol by volume : turn up the volume, turn up the heat, turn up the burn and flavor, the strength, the power, the might, and then settle along with it as your palate and this whiskey fall slowly in love with one another,
3) KINSEY Rye Whiskey, On Special for $35.99 a bottle, with 43% alcohol by volume, a deeper, a denser, a more compact and heated flavor, the simmer, the languish, the love of palate and wheat make a perfect match here, come taste and be sure for yourselves!
SAVE UP To 20% OFF Your Wine Purchases Here Every Wednesday, Two Ways To Do So : For Way Under 15 Minutes Of Your Time! Call Chris or Tony, order and pay tomorrow and SAVE 20% OFF the sticker prices,
SAVE UP TO 15% OFF Your Wine Purchases here tomorrow, each Wednesday, for way less than 15 minutes of your time, this is wine spirits purchases, not car insurance, we save you both money and time here - really we do!
SPEAKING OF SAVING : Come taste tomorrow here, Wednesday, October 26th, 2016 , 5-8PM : with Valerie Wrightson our local Elite rep, we will taste some fine French and Spanish wines of :
- LAUVERJAT, the 2015  Moulin des Vrilleres white Sancerre, $22.49 a bottle,get 20% OFF tomorrow when you purchase this delightful bottle of Sancerre white! 100% Sauvignon Blanc!
- the ANDRE BERTHET RAYNE Cotes du Rhone red 2014, $14.99, ...
- and the Emilio LUSTAU Fino en Rama dry small-batch sherry, $27.99 a 500ml bottle, ...
- and the Emilio LUSTAU Almacenistas , " Oloroso Pala de Gatina Garcia Jarana 1/38 ', $34.99 a 500ml bottle. I tried them with Valerie last week, was so impressed with them, really very special, and they get 20% OFF the marked bottle costs tomorrow as you taste and decide to buy them!

ALSO THIS WEEK In Tastings :
Friday, October 28th, 2016 ( 5-8PM ) : With Narayan Campbell of Global Maryland Import Wines we will taste TWO Bordeaux wines :
1) CAZENOVE 2010 Left Bank dry red 2010 blend, from just outside of Margaux, $20.99 On Special,... great year, enjoy with a meal, do not rush it, let it open slowly as it should ..
2) BARON De LUZE Sauvignon Blanc white Bordeaux wine, dry, lively, refreshing, good body, focus and character, 2013, $16.99 a bottle, a real delight!
, TWO Burgundy wines :
1) Coteaux-Bourguignons  L. COUTURIER dry red 2014 blend of Pinot Noir and Gamay, $16.49 a bottle, medium-to-light-bodied, an absolute delight, chill 30 minutes and enjoy with most any meal, most any casual experience. Lovely to sip, not great with heavy or spicy or hot foods, but FABulous to sit around sipping and smiling!
2) Slightly Oaked Chardonnay from L. COUTURIER , $22.99 a bottle, a bit fuller, a bit richer, lovely cream Chardonnay flavors, will warm you now as the temperatures continue to dip south!
Saturday, October 29th, 2016 ( 2-6PM ) : We have either Sotiris, Iason or Nassos coming from Oenos Wine Imports to pour a selection of their fine wines from Greece, France, Italy and Spain, still to be decided tomorrow. Call us for more info at : 202-363-4265 to get the final lineup. Cheers
ALL TASTINGS are free here except for the two Big-Theme BUBBLY-Sparkling Wine - Champagne Tastings that we do in December on Dec 7th, and December 28th, on these we will charge $15 a person, and that will go to pay for any purchase you make the night of these two events. Cheers!
The idea to charge will ennable those interested in buying a bottle a chance to taste it, as they do run out quickly with so many people eager to taste and buy for their special holidays, ALL On Special, too for these two nights.
A FEW WINE Inspirations :
     1) LUNEA Colli di Luni Vermentino, Italian dry white  ( also called Rolle in France ) that comes from Sardinia, western Tuscany and also western Liguria ) : On Special for $24.99 : what a delightful treat. Matt Daniels was nice enough to taste me on this current vintage a couple of weeks ago. Boy is it full and rich on the palate, silky and lulling, and lingering, too on the tongue. It speaks to all tongues no matter what language you speak : highly recommended!
     2) BOE Brooklyn Oenology 2014 Pinot Gris, North Fork of Long Island, $22.99 a bottle, : extra concentration and flavor and taste : I LOVED IT when I tasted it with winemaker Allie Shaper. Cheers.
     3) Chenin Blanc ' Vusani Series ' from South Africa's HOUSE OF MANDELA, $21.99 a bottle, Fairtrade, a 2014, from the Western Cape , with 13.5% alcohol by volume, I was blown away by this rich, layered, smooth and sunshine-dreamy-creamy-svelte and flavor that lulled and pleased, rocked and cradled all my tastebuds, yes! Mmmmm good.
     4) Kangarilla Road 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon from South Australia's McLaren Vale, On Special for $21.99 a bottle, with 14.5% alcohol by volume, I loved drinking this with the owner himself, as well as with Mark the importer : this is brightness, rightness, mightness-not-meakness-just-right-pleasure-and-pleasing tastes to enrich and to amuse and please us all, with or without food : lovely!
     5) Malbec made from organic grapes, 2013, from the YORKVILLE Cellars, from the " Rennie Vineyard ', made in the Yorkville Highlands, Mendocino county, northern California, here's toasting you our dear friend Theresa, may you get and feel better really quickly, I love the elegance, subtlety and sophistication of this bright and smooth and fruit-centered delightful organic red : thrilled to have it here. Cheers!
SAVE ON ALL these bottles tomorrow that are over $20 a bottle. There are many listed above , as well as in the store. Come taste tomorrow and save with us!
THANKS for everything, you all are the very best!
BOO! Happy Halloween all this week : FEEL the spirit early and enjoy it all week long and into Monday night!
TOMORROW I will go to Sorriso restaurant at 6:30PM to celebrate with owner Pietro and his wife , and with whoever else shows up, as I fear that these are the last days through October before Sorriso in this location closes it's doors for good. You will be missed, you all have been wonderful, really added a whole lot to our community. We are thrilled the SORRISO CAFE will still be open at the intersection of Calvert Streets and Connecticut Avenue, N.W. That is conforting indeed. Cheers to you all!
THANKS AGAIN, GRAXIE, GRACIAS para todos amicci, amigos, amis, merci!    TONY

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Anthong Quinn's ( My ) Store Cleveland Park Wine & Spirits' Tuesday Week Email On French Importer Frank Agostini, of Frank's Selections, Owner Scott Jenkins ( Duck Pond & Desert Wind Wines ), & Owner Silvia Casali Of Her Family's Tenuta Casali In Romagna, Italy : All 3 Tasting Wed, Fri. & Saturday, Free Tastings , Join Us, 3rd & Final Presidential Debate Tomorrow, Wed Oct 18th, 2016!

Cleveland Park WineCleveland Park Beer, Liquor & Wine
Featuring a wide, international selection of fine wines, micro-brews and spirits

I'm thinking really good thoughts now and had some revelations this past week and weekend her about our tastings.

     THE ' taste-off ' with Andrew Stover and Jody Jackman this past Friday was a big hit. It was the second in a series that will continue here every couple of months as there is so much energy and excitement when we do it : lots of exchanges of views and tastes and opinions. That is what we want : starts meaningful, unforgettable conversation, and makes bonds that last between all of us, and help us to enjoy our time off even more with food, wine and spirits, family and friends!
WE WILL DO MORE ' Taste-Offs ' , Too with other fine salespeople that sell to us, there are many, and they have lots to add here as they are all quite passionate about their beer, liquor, wine and other spirits. It is their livelihood and passion, They love it.
HALLOWEEN IS COMING SOON : what will you wear, what will you do?!?  Will you trick-or-treat, what will you sip on as the trick-or-treaters come knock on your door?!? So many decisions, and the weather will be nice, too : warm for those out trick-or-treating as they pass from house to house dreaming of their cache of sweets to enjoy and perhaps even share with others>
WE HAVE LOTS of choices for you to enjoy on Halloween, lots of pumpkin beers and ales to choose from, come see what Santos has up his sleeves for you? Come see what Jagir has for you in liqueurs and also in liquors?!?
CHRIS & I Have A FULL WEEK planned here for you all, and ...
I will be twice this week a guest at the Kennedy Warren apartments, :
1) tonight, Tuesday, Oct. 17th, 2016 : at 7PM with Ines of Spain and Andrea, too : both of Tradewinds Specialty Selections,with BOHIGAS Cava Brut sparkling, their Xarel-lo dry white, non-sparkling white, too ... the EDER Joven-Young Tempranillo Rioja from the Basque country, .... the EQUILIBRIO 9 Monastrell- ( called Mourvedre in France ) tasty food spicy, earthy dry red, and .... the VALSOTILLO F. BUENAVISTA , too .
2) and also on Thursday at 7PM with the owner of DUCK POND Oregon Winery in the Willamette Valley, and their other property in southern Washington State, DESERT WIND with their fine , elegant Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, too pouring his fine Chardonnay and Pinot Gris, as well as his Pinot Noir,

I WAS INVITED to come pour by Julie the beverage manager of their club, and I accepted. Mike that ran it before also invited me and I came before with owner Estebe Salgado of Tradewinds Specialty Imports then. With Estebe we poured his fine ALEXANDRO Spanish sherries.
I WELCOME ANY invitaions from any of you in other apartments that would like to have me come and pour. Just let me know and we can work something out. Cheers! Call me : 202-363-4265.
THE GREAT THING is that Scott Jenkins will be in the store on Friday, October 21st, 2016 5-8PM, doing the same tasting here with you all, what a great event it will be here this Friday, Join us for both DUCK POND and also DESERT WIND wines of Oregon and Washington State respectively!
FROM Santos in BEER we have :
     1) Imperial Ale PUMKING , ale brewed with pumpkin and with natural flavor added, from SOUTHERN TIER Brewing Company, On Special for $7.99 a 1 Pt. 6 Fl. Oz bottle, with 8.6% alcohol by volume, ... brewed with 2 varieties of hops and 2 types of malts : tasty, limited availability, come get some now and save it for Halloween!
     2) Frighteningly FRESH Tangerine IPA , Enjoy By 10/31/16 from STONE Brewing Company,On Special for $18.99 a 6-pack of 12-ounce bottles, with 9.4% alcohol by volume, ... : DRINK IT BY HALLOWEEN or we will haunt you.
     3) Farm To Face ale brewed with peaches by the ALLAGASH Brewing Company, On Special for $14.99 a bottle, with , from AppleCrest Farm, with 8.2% alcohol by volume, , for a 375ml bottle, like bubbly, under pressure, open carefully like you would a bottle of sparkling wine. The pressure keeps it so fresh and alive and extroverted : perfect for Halloween!
     4) Delirium Tremens , brewed by HUYGHE Brewery, a Belgian ale with 8.5% alcohol by volume, now available in cans, a 4-pack of 16-ounce cans On Special for $20.99. Wow, cans for the very first time, come see how it tastes to you ?!? Should taste great.
     THE THIRD ( 3rd ) and FINAL Presidential Debate is tomorrow night, starts just after Frank Agostini is here tasting his fine French wines with you all. You should consider which of Frank's Signature wines you will want to enjoy while watching the debate bewteen Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump? WE will have many choices for you.
     TWO SUGGESTIONS From Us Here From Frank Agostini are :
     1) Muscadet Cotes de Grandlieu sur lie dry white Melon De Bourgogne grape variety ( also called Muscadet by many ) sur lie 0 stays-rests on it's own grape skins that settle to the bottom of the barrel or stainless steel vat and are occasional stirred so that more from these skings is reabsorbed by the liquid, called PRIEUR De La Fine , DOMAINE Des HERBAUGES  Vieilles vignes/ old vines , from winemaker-owner Jerome Choblet, in Bouaye, Loire valley : this dry white quite literally blows me away : I love it!  Costs $16.49 a bottle, and is one of the very best bottles of Muscadet I have had in a very , very, very long time : a real treat, will hold it's own against all the language and vitriol from either of the two candidates!
     2) Chinon 100% Cabernet Franc dry red from the DOMAINE GOURON , a 2014, winemakers in Cravant les coteaux, $17.99 a bottle, this is the Cuvee Domaine, using sustainable Agriculture Practices, : tastes like real fresh, lively, true-to-character Cabernet Franc from France's Loire valley : I love it, really I do, amazing wine. Great to watch the debate, will fight back to any opinions, feelings, flairs, flares, flourishes and flaunts, taunts, teases and tears made at it. Chill 30 minutes : enjoy tomorrow night!
LIQUOR From Jagir :
     1) ' Natural Cherry ' Liqueur from GRAND MARNIER , On Special for $34.99 a bottle : what a fun treat, the cherries will take some of the thickness and sweetness away, and give the orange some real zip, zest and brightness-lightness! Yes, oui, vrai tout ca!
     2) Barrel Proof Linited Release Irish Whiskey from WEST CORK Distillers , made from the finest hand-selected ingredients matured in Bourbon casks : like cognac and armagnac, the Bourbon barrels give some of the heat and the fire, yes, yet lots of finesse, too, $37.99 , with 62% alcohol by volume, cheers!
     3) Old Port Rum Deluxe-Crafted from the AMRUT Distillery Pvt, Ltd, $19.99 a bottle, with 40% alcohol by volume, from Kambipurra, Bengaluru, what a fun ' value ' treat, try some, see what you all think?!?

     4) " Peppered ' Gin from UNCLE VAL'S, handcrafted, $42.99, with 45% alcohol by volume, see what you all think of this pepper addition? ANSOLUT introduced it, UNCLE VAL'S added polish and brightness, fullness of flavor to it?!? What do you think?
     WINE From Chris & Tony :
     1) Sauvignon Blanc Private Reserve 2013 ALMA DE CHILE  from Chile's Aconcagua Valley, On Special for $9.99 : this dry white is lively and thoroughly refreshing and perfect now for this weather in the eighties!

     2) VOLTEFACE Vinho Regional Alentejano, $19.99, vinho branco / dry white wine made from the indigenous grapes of Castas and Antao Vaz by winemaker Teresa Metedo Dias is quite a lively broadcast, animated, personable and delicious blend of tastes to enjoy as they spread over the surface of your palate : cheers, obregado Teresa!
     3) Tinto dry red 2009 ' Cueva del MONGE ' Tempranillo dry red Rioja from the BODEGAS VINICOLA REAL, $27.99, with 13.5% alcohol by volume, is quite the flavorful treat. Medium-bodied, distinct, flavorful where the flavors reach out to your palate, but never impose their dominance, what a delicious delight! I liked it the two times I tasted it!
     4) ' Les Allees de CANTEMERLE ' 2011 Haut-Medoc, $29.99 a bottle, from CHATEAU CANTEMERLE in Macau , Medoc : classic,  good white pepper and spice, a treat to enjoy from a more angular, pithy, perky, dry and lighter food wine, a treat with a steak or other red meats, just like my lunch earlier, a steak I grilled this weekend and brought what I did not eat today for my delicious lunch!
     5) Carmenere ' Costa ' 2012 from Chile's Colchagua Valley, this CA2 , $31.99, from TERRANOBLE Winery, with 14% alcohol, has character, flavor, taste, personality, good medium body, polish, bright, silky flavors to please and to relax and to feel expansive about life and the moment, ours!
     6) Muscat sweet from the Greek island of Samos, CAVINO Deus , this sweet Muscat golden elixir , $10.99, with 15% alcohol by volume, is a real delight to sip! Try some tomorrow while watching the Presidential debate 1t 9PM : then go outside afterward and enjoy sipping more as you watch the moon and the stars above!
     Wednesday, October 19th, 2016 ( 5-8PM ) : We have tomorrow , Wednesday, Frank Agostini mentioned above to come and pour his fine French Frank's Selections from Bordeaux, the Loire Valley, Burgundy, and the Rhone Valley in France : what fun, find something to drink while watching the Presidential debate that starts at 9PM after this FABulous wine-tasting.
     Friday, October 21st, 2016 ( 5-8PM ) : We have Scott Jenkins the owner of both DUCK POND ( Oregon ), and DESERT WIND ( Washington State ) here to pour four fine wines, two from each winery : Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir from DUCK POND, and Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot from DESERT WIND : fine wines indeed, polished, bright, balanced, elegant, real finesse, too.
     Saturday, October 22nd, 2016 : We have owner, winemaker Sylvia Casali here from her own family's TENUTA CASALI in Romagna, Italy to pour her three great Sangiovese Superiore dry reds, as well as her fine Trebbiano, and her Villa Zappi dry sparkling rose, too! With Robert Kennedy, this will be Silvia's third visit here, what a treat and a delight.

SAVE BIG HERE every Wednesday on wines, three ways to save, two ways to SAVE UP to 20% OFF sticker prices, ONE WAY to save up to 15% OFF sticker prices!
THANKS FOR EVERYTHING, you all are the very best, we could not be here without you. We thank you for your patronage! Cheers, TONY 10/17/2016

Friday, October 14, 2016

Taste-Off Wines Face-Off With Andrew Stover & Jody Jackman @CPWineSpirits Cleveland Park Wine & Spirits Tonight, Free Wine Tasting 5-8PM, Join Us, Everyone Always Welcome, Six Fine Wines : Malbec, Pinot Noir Roussanne, Viognier, Picpoul, Marsanne, Too : What Fun!


@AndrewStover & Jody Elyse Jackman of Siema Wines and the The Winebow Group will be here with me, Anthony Quinn to do a #Wine #TasteOff #FaceOff with six wines , including #PinotNoir #Malbec #RhoneWhiteBlends from #France #NewYorkState #Texas #California from @ClosLaCoutale in #Cahors #Lot #France with 80% Malbec, 20% #Merlot , a Kermit Lynch Wine Merchant Kermit Lynch import, $17.99 a bottle from winemaker @Patrick, the #Influenc eWine @InfluenceWines 2014 #NorthFolkOfLongIsland , $20.99 a bottle, Hahn Family Wines, Nicky Moden H. Hahn , @NickyHahn #MontereyCounty 2014, $17,99 a bottle, #CertifiedSustainable #CaliforniaWine : soft, round and fresh, so easy to sip, ...like the Cahors, both are fruit-forward, the Malbec from New York is a bit leaner, more tight and angular and soft white pepper tastes, too ... the McPherson Cellars in #Lu bbock #Texas, the #LesCopains TheFriends 2015 dry white blend of #Roussanne 47%, 21% #Viognier , 18% #Marsanne and 14% #Picpoul is quite solid, good body, good definition, a fine #foodWine , a treat, #layered and #complex, $18.99, ... try it from Andrew against Jody's dry white blend of #CotesDuRhone #LesCigalesDeMontirius Montirius, from owners @ChristineSaurel and @EricSaurel ( Christine has been here tasting her wines with you before ), a blend of 34% #WhiteGrenache, 35% #C lairette and 33% #Viognier, a 2014, only $10.99 a bottle ( a steal at that price! )#Organic #BioD ynamic #Origine , so much to say here : six really fine wines : join us, #FreeWineTasting, #EveryoneAlwaysWelcome, cheers, 5-8PM, Friday October 14th, 2016 ... cheers, happy weekend all! Beautiful day here today!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Today, Saturday, October 8th, 2016 , 2-6PM With Andrew Stover & Me, Anthony Quinn At Cleveland Park Wine & Spirits Come DISCOVER The Really Fine Wines Of Turkey From KARMENA and Also TURASAN Wineries, Wines, Yes! Free Tasting, Join Us, Bring Family & Friends, Make This One Big Grand Event : Turkish Wines With Turkey This Holiday Season!

We will rock it here Andrew with two fine reds and two fine whites : TWO from @KARMENA Karmena​ #Diren @Diren #wine #Anatolia #Turkey : Turkish wines great with turkey! That is not a Turkish tale, not a Turkish fable, it is a Turkish truth! Come taste and see what you think?!? WE ALSO have : Turasan Wine / Turasan Şarapları​ #Selda VinoRai​ @Vinorai #CappadocianWine , dry red and white, ohhhh yeah, using the grapes of #KalecikKarasi #Bogazkere #Syrah and #Okuzgozu in this 2014 , 14% alcohol TURASAN dry red, $13.49 a bottle, great value for this flavor profile, ..., with the KARMENA 2015 Diren dry white, $14.49 a bottle, with a lovely low alcohol of only 11.5% ,  from Anatolia you get the indigenous grape Narince, impressive, stands alone, makes it's own statement, come taste. For more infor go to Siema Wines​ our importer, to #Turkishwines as well, cheers, come taste, make new discoveries, embrace a new part of the world to your palate, senses, and discover the richness here now available to you. Cheers! 2-6PM, what a treat!!!!! You will have to come try all four, they are excellent food wines, great for this colder weather now.

Friday, October 7, 2016

My Cleveland Park Wine & Spirits' Weekly Tuesday Store Email October 4th, 2016 : Come To Our Big-Theme Southern Hemisphere Wine-Tasting With Wines From 6 Countries : Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, South Africa & New Zealand, Wines Of Salton Harmoniza, Bodegas Carrau, Ten Sisters, Artesana , Mi Terruno, Six Hats, De Trafford, Wildekrans, Leyken, De Meye, Little Quino, Viamonte, WOW : With Andrew Stover, Bryce MacNamee, John Morrison, Teresa Morrison, Wagner Alberti, Patty, Rolf, Brian : Great - Grand Event At Cleveland Park Wine & Spirits In Cleveland Park, Northwest, Washington D.C. 20008!

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Debatable?! Which Vice Do You Pick Tonight?!?


Cleveland Park Wines via icontactmail3.com 

Oct 4 (3 days ago)

to me

Cleveland Park WineCleveland Park Beer, Liquor & Wine
Featuring a wide, international selection of fine wines, micro-brews and spirits
     DO YOU PLAN to watch tonight's Presidential Debate on TV at 9PM? WE have plenty of spirits here to rally your spirits as you do, stop by, pick your spirit(s) of choice, like a vice, choose one, make it official,  ...
     SHARE IT  with friends and family, the opinions you have on this so-called vice, or is it more like a pleasure and a spirit to rouse and rally and bolster your mood and well-being?
     WE ARE HERE  to help, stop by, have a chat, let's help make all of this easier for you. Cheers!
     ALSO : JOIN US tomorrow when we continue with our monthly Big-Theme Wine-Tastings that we started earlier this year. Tomorrow's is on the Southern Hemishpere , it is free, the next two will be free wine-tastings as usual, in November, too. We will have six countries represented here for you all to enjoy : Argentina, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand, South Africa and Uruguay. This will be a great opportunity to discover what and which of these wines will work well with our holidays and colder weather when we need to be warmed and cheered by both our food and wine.
     BUT, BEFORE I GET THERE I want to mention some of our ' other ' specials and ' goodies ' for you all to consider trying.
     BEER From Santos :
     1) ' La Rossa ' Doppelbock beer ' BIRRA MORETTI, imported from Italy, On Special for $9.99 a 6-pack of 12 ounce bottles, with 7.2% alcohol by volume : more to steel you and warm and charge and ignite you here!
     1) ' Original ' German Hefe-Weizen Ale, Tap 7, On Special for $3.99 a 1 pint, 9 fluid ounce bottle, with 5.4% alcohol by volume, check it out, from Germany.
     2) ' Aventinus ' Tap 6, Germany's original Wheat-Doppelbock Ale, On Special for $4.99 a bottle, with 8.2% alcohol by volume, for a 1pint 9 fluid ounce bottle : also here to keep you snug, happy and warm - fired-up, too!
     3) " Wolf Pup Session IPA ", refreshingly hoppy from GOLDEN ROAD Brewing, from Los Angeles, CA. : we have Mike Moran here from The High End segment of Anheuser Busch here to say a few words about this : " New to DC we have a highly drinkable and aromatic tropical session IPA perfect for Redskins tailgating ". Go to @goldenroadbrew for much more information.
     BREAKING NEWS : Mike and I are sitting here now brainstorming and getting an idea going for November here to do a Big-Theme Ale-Beer-Tasting in Novemeber for the holidays ! Yes, that would be our very first time to do this. Come in and tell me and Santos, Jagir and Chris that you want us to do this, thanks!
     WE NEED TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS?!? Do not be silent, tell us what we may do to improve your shopping experience here?
     LIQUOR / LIQUEUR  From Jagir :
     1) Spice , Blood-Orange liqueur from PUR LIKOR, $26.99 a 375ml bottle, just look at the density of color to know the committment by owner Kiki of Germany! She is fully-invested in this fine product, with 25% alcohol by volume, what a real treat! Add it to many thinks and ' spice-up ' your life! Lovely cloud of amber colors to slip your tongur into, luxuriate, feel free and easy and smiling as you should when you relax, just a touch will do you, dew you, thrill you.
     TWO Liquors :

     1) WIDOW JANE Whiskey Distilled from a Rye Mash , American Oak aged, using pure limestone mineral water from the Widow Jane mine in Rosendale, NY, look at the way this unfiltered liquid that has more stuffing and taste and character captures the light in the bottle, and will have more ' stick-um ' on your tongue and palate, too! Yes, $52.99 a bottle, with 45.5% alcohol by volume.
     2) TEELING Whiskey Small Batch , ' the spirit of Dublin ', Irish Whiskey, non-chilled, with 6 months in rum casks, bottled 7/14, $40.99, with 46% alcohol by volume : both extra flavor and definition, and more harmonious and smooth, too!
     Wednesday, October 5th, 2016 : 5:30-8:30PM, Join Us for our Big-Theme ' Southern Hemishere ' Wine-Tasting, representing 6 countries : Argentina, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand, South Africa and Uruguay : wow, this is big, this is really MONUMENTAL : a total saturation of one's palate in these fine 25+ southern hemisphere wines : reds and whites, sparkling : something for everyone here : great to get thinking about the holidays and what you might like to serve with family and friends, and ALL ON SPECIAL here tomorrow when you taste! Join us, everyone always more than welcome.
     Friday, October 7th, 2016 ( 5-8PM ) : We have Robert Kennedy here tasting fine, small batch, top-flight, distinctive, interesting, special Italian wines from all up and down the boot of Italy, something for everyone, to make you dream more largely, to make your smiles and contentment blossom more freely : join us, always very special!
     Saturday, October 8th, 2016 ( 2-6PM ) : We have Andrew Stover here to taste some really special wines of Turkey, some of the very best, made with indigenous grapes as well as international ones , some more silky - soft - smooth, others with more bite and pull and earth and spines, some to sip, some that really benefit food as the food benefits them right back : just like in the movie " Pretty Woman " where Richard Gere says at the end that he is there to ' rescue ' Julia Roberts, and she responds immediately that she will ' rescue ; him ' right back! ' Join us, this will be a great tasting, you will enjoy and learn much!
     SO : Here is our ' Southern Hemisphere ' free- wine-tasting for you all to read about now and come and taste here tomorrow.
     NOTE : This will be one of the last two ' free wine-tastings ' that we do , this one and the Big-Theme Wine-Tasting of the Northern Hemishere on November 9th. In Decemeber for Part ONE and Part TWO of our Bubbly Sparkling Wine Tastings ( we will charge a niminal fee for those that will be applied to any purchase of a wine that you make that evening ). I am mentioning this not to upset you but to let you know now so that it is not a big surprise for you all. We love doing these as you know , but we also have to have a balance with it as well as sales. I have asked you all in the past to support these by buying one bottle to show your thanks, and that has not happened many times. Sorry to have to do this , but as much as it is a service for you all, it is also a business.

     TABLE Number ONE : Brazil, SALTON Winery with Wagner Alberdi, Patty and Rolf pouring for us :
     1) " Intenso ' Espumante sparkling wine, $15.49, like Prosecco, made by a Veneto family that immigrated to Brazil a long time ago : like Prosecco, better?!?
     2) ' Poetica ' dry rose espumante/ sparkling, drier, more edgy, lovely, more body, too : $17.49 a bottle, ...
     3) ' Classic ' 2013 Chardonnay, $10.99 a bottle - lovely, smooth, bright.
     4) " Intenso ' 2014  Sauvignon Blanc - Viognier dry white blend, $14.49 : more body, more edge, more of a lovely food wine to soften the edges and the weight!
     5) ' Classic ' 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon, $10.99, earthy, traditional style, great with food, grilled meats and vegetables, a fine food wine!
     6) ' Intenso ' Marselan 2012 ( great vintage in Brazil! ), a hybrid-clone from southern France that you rarely ever see any more, a treat. heartier, beefier, more girth, body and muscle than the Cabernet Sauvignon, a good couterpoint to this Cabernet. Discover a grape you did not know existed. Cheers!
     TABLE Number TWO : South African wines with importer Bryce McNamee :
     1)  Chenin Blanc 2014 from SIX HATS , Western Cape,South Africa, $11.99, a clean, dry and fresh and lively Chenin Blanc ( Steen ) to enjoy almost anytime, pairs well with many food : Fair Trade, too. We like that. Try on all six hats and see which one fits best?!
     2) Sauvignon Blanc 2014, $16.49,  from WILDEKRANS ( Estate Wine ), from South Africa's Bot River region,  : some real body, steel, force and delicious flavor that marries so well with so many well-seasoned dishes!
     3) Shiraz 2014 from SIX HATS, also Fair Trade, this $11.99 Shiraz has fruit, pepper and spice, chill 30 minutes, delightful with barbecue and seasond dishes, pate, rillettes and more, great value too, from South Africa's Western Cape.
     4) Pinotage 2013 from WILDEKRANS, from South Africa's Bot River origin, an estate wine, On Special for $18.49 ( regularly $20.99 - while this vintage lasts! ), a very tasty, assertive , flavorful yet amazingly drinkable dry medium-bodied red with a meal. Chill 30 minutes and get around a fire, have something on skewers sizzling and popping away on the fire close by, and enjoy, some wild rice, some pesto, some mild hot pepper flavors?!?
     5) ' Blueprint ' Shiraz 2008 from deTRAFFORD, $41.99 a bottle, from South Africa's Stellenbosch region, this has to be tried to be believed : too personal to say in words, it is a very special feeling, one we all share but different for each and every one of us!
New ", " Exciting " -Many Special Liquid Libations
     TABLE Number THREE : TWO Kiwi, THREE Uruguayan wines : Andrew Stover pouring :
          New Zealand : TEN SISTERS :
     1) Sauvignon Blanc 2015 Single Vineyard , Marlborough, New Zealand dry white, $18.99, close to an elegant Loire Valley Sauvignon Blanc without much of the typical Gooseberry taste in many Kiwi Sauvignon Blanc wines.
     2) Pinot Noir 2014 , Marlborough, New Zealand, $21.99 ( great price for this quality of Kiwi Pinot Noir ) : with polish, some lovely tempered leanneas, some toasty, roasted flavors, medium-to-light-bodied, charming, best with food, holds it's own with just about any flavor taste except too hot or too spicy.
          THREE From Uruguay, ARTESANA :
     1)  Tannat dry rose 2016, from Canelones, Uruguay, good body, good weight, really nice grip on mouth-feel, a lovely smooth, tasty rose to sip a glass and then dive into when the food arrives!
     2) A dry red blend of Tannat, Merlot and Zinfandel ( wow, Zinfandel in Uruguay?!? ) 2015, $17.49. some good body, some good weight, some real heft and edge and attitude ( don't mess with it unless you want character to stand up to your food! ), tasty, what do you think?!?
     3) Tannat 2015 from Canelones, Uruguay, $17.49, has even more pack, girth, grid, earth, steel and punch : broad sweeps of flavors that need food to soften them up, make them more accessible, a fine food medium-bodied, maybe more, food wine!
     TABLE Number FOUR With John & Theresa Morrison, tasting Argentina, Chile and South Africa :
          Argentina :
     1) Mi Terruno " espresion ' Extra Brut , Medoza, Argentina, a delight to sip, lilting, lively, rounded, lovely, $19,99, worth every penny of it!
     2) Malbec 2013 from VIAMONTEm in Lujan de Cuyo, $18.99, a softer, rounder, smoother, brighter, fruit-forward dry red Malbec.
           Chile :
     1) Little Quino 2014 Sauvignon Blanc, $19.99, made by William Fevre, the famous French house making Chablis, this is crisp and refreshing, really bright!
      2) 2011 Pinot Noir from Chile's Leyda Valley, from LEYKEN, only 350 cases made : stellar, dry, complex, layered, slow to open but boy does it deliver as it does : world-class!
          South Africa :
     1) " Trutina " from DE MEYE in Stellenbosch, South Africa, this is a great blend of both Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz, On Special for $26.99 a bottle, this way over-delivers for this price, what a treat!
     TABLE Number FIVE : Brian Forgren pours wines of Uruguay, of BODEGAS CARRAU :
     1) Sauvignon Blanc 2015 from Cerro Chapeu, dry, clean, crisp, very flavorful!
     2) Sust Vintage 2012 Brut Nature, bone-dry, developed, mature, opulent, bready? Dough? We will see, $22.99 a bottle!
     3) Pinot Noir Reserva 2013, $16.49 a bottle, a lighter, more forrest floor, earthy, dusty, spicy and toasty flavor : great chilled 30 minutes with food!
     4) Cabernet Sauvignon 2015, $10.99, a real value : ' new ' for us, thrilled to have it : enjoy with your meals. From JUAN CARRAU ...
     5) Tannat de Reserva 2013 , $14.49 a bottle, this packs more of a punch again, a food wine, earthy and powerful, and to be enjoyed with barbecue, grilled meats, pate, cured meats, ...
     6) Tannat 2007 ' Ysern ' ' Las Violetas ' $21.99 a bottle, the best, el mejor, the best made by BODEGAS CARRAU : must be tasted to be believed, still young, still able to age more, enjoy with a fine, special meal now!
     JOIN US, what fun we will have, ...
     THANKS FOR EVERYTHING, enjoy, come see us, get a wine tonight to watch the Vice Presidential 2-hour debate, cheers, TONY  10/4/2016

Come Taste Tonight, Friday, October 7th, 2016 5-8PM, Free Great Small-Production Family-Owned Italian Wines Of RWKImports & Robert Kennedy Like The Paltrinieri Lambruscos Di Sorbara, Paolo Cali's Vittoria Frappato, Kuem Hof's Sudtirol Eisacktaler Veltliner Dry White, Azienda Agricola Alice Bonaccorsi's RossoRelativo 100% Nerello Mascalese 2011, Wow, This Is Big, This Is Grand Indeed, Join Us Tonight!

We Italian Rock, we Italian Roll, we make sweet wine music with dry roses, dry lighter more silky, simewy, seductive reds that shine, that fan, that silke their spices and toasts seemlesly, not shamlessly, but in a welcoming way with the #RossoRelativo ' Rivedibile ', from Azienda Agricola Alice Bonaccorsi made from "100% #NerelloMascalese in #Sicily, fine 3wine indeed, #vini , this 2011 at $32.99 is a delightful sojourn of rolling ups-and-downs to delight one's tastebuds and senses and palate : the whole dewal, .... 

some buubles are added, too with Alberto Paltrinieri, his #Leclisse On Special for $19.99 a bottle, , a #LambruscoDiSorbara #vinoFrizzanteSeco #sparklingRed 2015, from #Emilia ... , from our great friend Robert Kennedy that will pouring these today, 

including a dry #veltliner from the #Sudtirol in #AltoAdige, from @KuenHofWine #Eisacktaler , a 2013 dry streamlined white with great #mineral and #citrus #qualities, zippy, svelte, nice with a meal always, @PligerPeterMahr .... , go to @RWKImports for more info, ... 

AND, some Azienda vitivinicola Paolo Calì #Vittoria Frappato #Mandragola dry elegant spicy not heavy, lilting, bouyant, lively, a touch racy and wonderful, too, chill 40 minutes, WOW! Come taste today !