CARNAVAL IS THIS FRiday, February 28th, 2014 : we will celebrate here with Fatime and LEBLON Cachaca and Mike that will pour 3 wines from SALTON. JOIN US, Never any charge, here is my conversation with Sonio Denicol today about Carnaval 2014 and what to drink : on BRALVIN'S Facebook page :
How are you Madame do Vinho, I miss not talking with you more. Have you read my recent blogs at : on the wines of Brasil? Let me know what you think? Cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn Please read and share them, that would be great. TONY Happy Carnaval 2014 to you all, what wines of Brasil will you enjoy, any red Bordo you like for this? Seems like that's a good choice? What do you think about some chilled red Bordo? TONY
You, Talise Valduga Zanini, Ana Paula Valduga, Sonia Denicol and 70 otherslike this.
Turista me aborda na entrada do Vale dos Vinhedos:
- Bom dia!
- Bom dia! - respondo
- Onde fica a Miolo Valduga?
- O senhor quer ir na Miolo ou na Valduga?
- Ué... Não é a mesma empresa?
- ....
Anthony Quinn
How come( Andreia Gentilini - of Wines of Brasil ) we have not been introduced yet as our Bralvin Imports is doing a major tasting of Brazilian wines here in northern Virginia in Woodbridge, VA. on Monday, Oct. 15th, 2012 from 1-4PM at the Charbroil Grill Brazilian Churrascuria at the Potomac Festival Shopping Center, 14239 Potomac Mills Road, Woodbridge, VA., 22193? I have spoken and met both Barbara Ruppel and Paula Valenti and I see your name frequently on the Wines 0f Brasil Facebook page? Hi! OLa! My name is Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn of Bralvin Imports and I am happy to introduce myself. Cheers, TONY
I got no response from Andreia. Anyone know why? I find this baffling and unprofessional as well. TONY 1/27/14
Fabiana Dall Onder
pero estoy muy contenta de hacer contacto con vos, muy bueno sus publicaciones, me encanto. Lo que necesitas de aca poder contar conmigo!
- July 1, 2013
Fabiana Dall Onder
Anthony, me habias hablado sobre las musicas de USA si, en el ultimo email. Aca es una ciudad muy chica donde vivo y hay mucha gente de fuera de Brasil, entonces buscamos poner artistas locales o regionales para divulgar nuestra cultura. abrazos
Anthony Quinn
I agree with you, support LOCAL Fabbiana! Have you been seeing on Bralvin Facebook my beer entries that I mention you? Cheers, TONY
Anthony Quinn
Names and grapes please! Name any wine, grape, vintage fromSC that you are in love with? When did you have the 2008 GEISSE Nature Brut? With family and friends? TONY
Adri Wiest
Casa Pisani...Rose Demi SEC Sparkling wine...merlot, viognier and chardonnay
Cave Perico Rosé BRut.. 2011 CAbernet sauvignon and merlot of the best red wines from Brazil...which made with 5 grapes...
Chat Conversation Start
September 5, 2012 3:52 pm
I really like the picture looking out the vineyard. Where is the picture taken? Is it in the Vale dos Vinhedos? Love the color of it all : so much life in the picture, so much warmth : like a slice of Italy or France, even a slice of northern California like the Anderson Valley, or Australia's Adelaide Hills like that from the LONGVIEW Vineyard?!? Lovely, good way to start : gets everyone's attention. Cheers, e muito obregado! Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
September 5, 2012 4:52 pm
I've been , spent ten glorious days there this late June with Laurent with Barbara Ruppel and Paula Valenti's help : in the winter, still beautiful there! Had a private tour of Miolo with oenologue Gustavo - and a tasting, too. Very nice. Cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
November 29, 2013 1:36 pm
Dear Tony, I am just a fan page. If you have anything you want to talk about regarding the promotion of Brazilian wine, please get in touch with: . Best regards, Karin Carvalho
Anthony Quinn
Are you in the wine business, a model or someone that simply loves wines? Cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
- October 16, 2012
- October 16, 2012
Anthony Quinn
I am in the wine business and have been now for thirty-plus years. You " yes " was to one or all three of my questions? I liked the picture when I saw it and commented on it and will have to look at it once again to jar my memory as it's been awhile since I wrote you. I'm still just digesting this recent debate tonight. Cheers, TONY