Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Reconnecting With The CANOE RIDGE Washington State Winery Once Again & Meeting Bill Murray For The Very First Time On Tuesday, May 13th, 2014 @ Cleveland Park's In-Store Evening Wine-Tasting From 5-7PM : What Fun!

Great to reconnect with the CANOE RIDGE wines of Washington State and to make some ' new ' friends and ' new ' connections as we did. Notice how Matt holding his child in his hands in the center picture is wearing a Bill Murray t-shirt, that's what Rosie O'Donnell in " Sleepless In Seattle " called ' a sign. ' What a coincidence, what a trip that was. His child was covering the t-shirt and so he had to take him out of his child seat to show us all. SO much fun! Loved it! The wines were really good. The Cherry Street soft and floral red blend was really delicious and fruit-forward : lovely! The Cabernet Sauvignon was more peppery and spicy and in need of some food. THe Pinot Gris dry white was so pleasing and floral and fresh, the Chardonnay was more weighty and really nice, too. By the way, we all found out from Bill Murray that since his involvement with the winery starting three years ago the production went from twelve thousand to ninety thousand! Shows what someone can do for a winery with help from everyone involved, of course. Cheers, Happy Tuesday, thanks Bill, great to finally meet you. Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn 5/13/2014

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