Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Me - Anthony Quinn's Impressions On Inauguration Day, Tuesday , January 2oth, 2009 Here In Northern Virginia & In Our Nation's Capitol

I'm inspired and lifted off my feet with an enthusiasm and a broad smile and a depth of hope and a width of eagerness that is so much broader than the famous yellow brick road. This feeling of unadulterated joy that is as pure as inspiration coupled with fantasy and spectacle can possibly be is sublime and insane. I'm mad and pumped and my seams are shattered as I take up so much more space mentally and metaphorically that I am afraid I know not where all of me is at this moment : except to say that it's washed over, bathed, enriched and invigorated me so that any doubts or fears I may have had up to just recently have all but faded from my horizons.

I'm free from mundane fear and feel no hesitation or holds on me that would prevent me from filling / fulfilling / expanding myself and my self-worth and beliefs - in myself and our world - that I will not easily if ever be contained.

I'm riding nine clouds, I'm imagining, I'm expounding, pounding my chest, hollering, belting out - about , swimming rivers upstream - valiant trouts , flushed out - down, spit-out , spilled, drip-dropped - I'm not afraid of the spider at the water spout!

To say that I am fired, that I've inhabited desire, that I'm a quartz crystal with sunshine caught within , that my breath is max-oxygenated, my drug supreme fresh air ....

I'm alive, a-thrive, about to dive, ... this Inauguration Day 2009 , Tuesday, January 2oth ... at 11:11 PM I'm so tired yet so happy, delirious, delectably inspired ....

I rode a train - a subway car this AM 9 AM : from Dunn Loring, Virginia into Washington D.C. I met people of all ages, all persuasions, all colors, gays and straights, couples, families, ... we were all happy, packed sardines in this metro car - jammed-in up-close to one another. All of us smiling, no complaining : just laughter and frivolity and contentment to be headed into Washington D.C. to have Barrack Obama inaugurated at noon : they to the Mall and me to work to sell wine, beer, bubbly and liquor.

I thought of the movie called " Love Actually " while I was packed like this in the metro car. It made me think of the beginning of the movie " Love Actually " and Hugh Grant's words of the people in the airport : that love actually was all around : everyone showing, expressing their love freely, happily : happy to be together, reunited ; a part of an other's life. That's how it was in this car : everyone expressing their love for each other as well as that and the joy at heading to the Mall to inaugurate a new president, our 44th!

We all seemed very much to be proud to be Americans. This very much seemed like a great moment for one and for all. This seemed very much to be a celebration : big, middle and small ones - shared, internalized, personalized, publicized, shouted, cried, sighed, sensed and completely embraced and celebrated.

The hope is tangible : we all feel like we can reach out and touch it and be carried along by it. We all feel stronger and that we want to do more, contribute more, make more of our time, efforts, ourselves ... it is so tangible, so graspable , so much as if we feel more like masters now of our own fate - a better fate...

All day it's been a celebration. I got to work and saw everyone returning from hours outside gathered together in the cold. Tired, inspired and happy to have been a part of this historic day. I took lots of pictures in the metro car and at work. I got to meet people from Alaska and New Mexico and California that had come to be a part of this glorious moment where we were all swept-up and carried away - blown away - loving it , no objections whatsoever on any one's parts ...

All is well, all has already been changing and I believe firmly that soon we will experience even more change, sweeping change, welcome relief - a balm that will ease matters, situations, futures - and help us to move on and to brighter, more defined hopes, prospects and situations.

I'm an eternal optimist, a romantic, a dreamer, a serendipitous traveler and believer in the best - in us and others and the world that makes me each and everyday ( especially now, especially today ) say out loud to myself as I drive in to work : I'm so happy to be alive !

It's now 11:32 PM here in northern Virginia now on Inauguration Day. I rode the metro home and witnessed all the tuxedoed men and all the gowned ladies young and old heading for the various ten or so balls around town. We were no loner sardines in the metro cars. The crowds had thinned-out considerably. It was easier and yet we were all I believe exhausted to some degree or another.

On television here at home ( my wife was really nice to come collect me at the metro station Dunn Loring in the cold ) while eating dinner we were able to hear Beyonce sing at the Neighborhood Ball to the Obamas as they danced the Etta James' song " At Last " and it sounded fabulous. Beautiful sentiment, beautiful voice, beautiful couple dancing : and to hear Beyonce speak about it afterwards - the heart-felt emotion she felt all but chocked her up as it did all of us - this entire, glorious day that ' at last " is finally upon us and which we embrace with incredulous, amazingly happy countenances and open arms! Whew! En fin, ... bonsoir, good night, ... a demain , ... sleep well ...

Cheers, let's all stay more in touch, positively-touch each other's lives more. TONY

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